Charles Leclerc - Flipped

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Hey guys! Can I just say, I wrote this so damn long ago. For context, this was based off two seasons ago... yeah...I don't want to talk about it. But anyways, enjoy!

Stay safe lovies xx


I slip my orange and yellow helmet on, matching the orange hue of the McLaren, as my engineer tells me the final plans for today's race.

"So far, with how the weather looks, we will be doing Plan B. Go for a two stop race and try and finish top 10 in order to close our gap to Ferrari. If the sun comes out, we will go for Plan A. We will go for a one stop race. If it decides to pour with rain, we will go for Plan C and put on wets or intermediates. Okay with that?" He asks as I nod, adjusting my helmet.

"Perfect." I say as he smiles wide and pats my shoulder,

"Lets get a good result." He says as I nod and head off to my car.

I do my last minute warm ups with my personal trainer before getting into my car, moving my body to ensure I'm fully warmed up for my race, especially after the cramps I got in my neck the last race.

"Radio check. Can you hear me?" I hear my engineers voice ring in my ears as I start the warmup lap.

"Yes, I can hear you." I say as I turn the first corner.

"Perfect. Remember, keep a clear head. You've got this. Take careful risks today, okay. We need to catch up to the guys on top in the constructors championship. We've had a bad start to the season, so let's start our progress back to top 3." He says as I near the last few corners. I slow down to keep my tires as warm as possible for longer before I'm forced to stop in P5.

"I will take risks. Lets get back up in the constructors championship." I say. I hear him clap,

"Lets go!" He says before the radio is cut.

The lights turn red as I step on the accelerator and break before pulling off once the lights turn off. I fly past the Ferrari in front of me, the Ferrari of Charles Leclerc, as I try and pass him around the outside. The overtake looks good, almost textbook perfect, but Charles loses control and clips the front of my car. With the speed we are going and the laws of physics, I am suddenly flipped over.

Time seems to freeze, everything moving in slow motion, as I see the cars pass under me swerving out of the way to not get involved with mine and Charles crash. I finally crash to the ground, half of my car hitting the hot concrete and the rest hitting a car. I groan loudly as I hang out my car, my seatbelt the only thing keeping me from crashing to the ground. My ears ring loudly before everything goes black.

-Charles POV-

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck, man!" I exclaim as I see the orange McLaren flip over my car before half of it lands on my car, ultimately forcing me to retire from the race.

"Charles, are you okay?" I hear my engineer ask as I sigh,

"Yes, all good. Just so fucking tired of this shit" I say as I start switching off everything. I look over at the McLaren to see no movement. I start to panic, realizing that y/n must have passed out, or worse.

"Is y/n okay?" I quickly ask before fully switching the car off.

"No! Go help please. The McLaren crew are worried. She's not answering them over the radio." My engineer tells me as I nod. I don't even bother switching the car fully off before jumping out of my car and rushing to y/n.

"Y/N! Wake up!" I exclaim as marshals run onto the track, helping me to try and pull y/n out.

I know the car is going to catch fire soon, that's what happens when the car doesn't move for long and is not switched off.

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