Lewis Hamilton - Sweatshirt and unromantic stuff

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Hey guys. So, as a Max fan, writing about Lewis pains me but at the same time, I love this idea and still love Lewis and what he does and preaches. This imagine is based on some of my old prompts for my previous book, so enjoy and remember to comment and vote!
Also, this imagine is very short. Sorry, not sorry because it's really cute.
Stay safe lovies xx


I look at Lewis, my eyebrow raised with a skew smile on my lips, as I stare at my boyfriend who has an embarrassed and uneven smile on his lips. "Wanna explain what you doing with that?" I ask as I point at Lewis holding a broken bouquet of flowers, the once beautiful roses snapped at the stems, only a few full flowers remaining which shows their bright red petals. "I... yeah." He chokes on his words as he leans on the door frame, a defeated look spread on his face as he looks down at the flowers in his hands.

"Did they break on purpose, or?" I ask as he sighs and sits next to me on the couch. "I may have dropped them whilst walking home." He says, his cheeks slightly pink, as he looks down at the flowers. "I can see that, but how did the stems cut and break like that?" I ask as he chuckles, "A bike kinda ran over them as I dropped them. Yeah, I know, sounds unbelievable but these things always happen to me." He says as I laugh at him, shaking my head at the Englishman.

Lewis called me earlier today, excited may I add about something from work, and asked me what flowers I wanted and promised me that he was gonna get me the prettiest of flowers if he could find them at the normal florist he always buys me flowers from. Clearly, he found them, but they went through a beating and he is obviously embarrassed about it.

I grab the flowers and place them on the table in front of us as I smile over at him, "I don't care about the romantic stuff like that, lets just cuddle." I say to which he scoffs too, "I promised you such pretty flowers..." he trails as I laugh, "Don't stress yourself, my love. You can get me flowers any other day like you normally do.' I say as he gives me a small smile. "Kinda sucks still though." He says as I shrug, "It's okay. You being here is all I need. I missed your company today." I say as he smiles widely. "I missed you too, my love. By the way, are you wearing my shirt?" He asks as I scoff, "No, your hoodie." I say as I point at his yellow hoodie, the one George supposedly stole according to Alex.

He rolls his eyes at my snarky comment, "Stop wearing them!" He exclaims as I laugh, "I just know I'll never get my favorite hoodie back." He continues, probably speaking to himself rather than me, as I shrug, "Oh well, you'll live. You have before. Look, you're here next to me." I say as I turn my attention back to the TV. "You lucky I love you more than words can express." He states as I feel him sling his arm around me and I feel his lips to my temple. "Yeah, I am pretty lucky, aren't I?"

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