Charles Leclerc - Speeches

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Hey guys! With my Charles obsession in motion at the moment, I thought I'd write this cute little imagine as I felt like we needed a cute little imagine for Charles. Anyway, enjoy!
Stay safe lovies xx

Warnings: //


I walk back to the hotel room, frowning as soon as I hear Charles voice coming from the bathroom. I walk slowly to the bathroom, listening closely to what he is saying. I am normally not nosy, but it was weird for him to be speaking in the bathroom when he prefers speaking on the phone in the room or somewhere public so that he can show me all of his funny expressions or annoyance with whoever was on the other side of the line.

As I get closer, I see him talking to himself into the mirror. "I have one important question to ask; Will you m- Oh, y/n! I didn't hear you come in!" He exclaims, flustered as he rushes over to me. "Sorry, baby. I should've announce I was here. What were you practicing in the mirror?" I ask as he holds me in a tight embrace. "Oh, that! That was n-nothing. Just practicing for my um.. oh my interview in a weeks time." He stutters on his words as I frown up at him.

He does have an interview next week once we are back from vacation, but I've never seen him so nervous for an interview, especially such a normal interview with our local news channel in Monaco. "Are you nervous for it, baby?" I ask as I caress his cheek as he chuckles, "Yeah, I am. I'm just worried they ask about something I'm not comfortable with." He says as I give him a reassuring smile, "Don't worry, I doubt they will" I say as he nods, "You're right. Come, lets go down to dinner before it gets too late." He says as I nod and follow him out the door with my purse in one hand and my other hand in a firm grip with his.

Did I find it weird that we were eating so early? Yes. But was I complaining? No, because the sun was slowly starting to set which I knew would look absolutely stunning by the seat of the restaurant in the hotel. As we get downstairs, we walk straight past the restaurant, my arm getting pulled slightly, as we make our way outside and into the beach. "And then? I thought we were going for dinner?" I ask as my sandals start filling with some sand, making me cringe slightly.

"We are." He says as he points at a picnic blanket set out on the beach filled with cute snacks. I gasp at the sight smiling up at him before pressing a quick kiss on his lips. "So this is why you wanted to eat early? So we could watch the sunset on the beach?" I ask as he nods, "Guilty " he says as his hands rest on my hips. "God, you're amazing." I say before walking over to the blanket and taking a seat on it.

I slip my sandals off as Charles sits next to me, doing the same with his shoes. We sit for a while eating all the little snacks Charles bought, enough snacks to make a full meal out of it. As I finish snacking on one of the small sandwiches he brought, I'm quickly pulled close to him as he points up at the sky, "It's beautiful." He says as I look up at the sky getting lost in the beautiful colors getting mixed with each other.

"It really is. This is lovely, Charles. You really know how to make me feel special." I say as I look at him and smile. But my smile quickly disappears as I see his face. He looks nervous, his face slightly pale as his eyes water slightly. "Baby, what's wrong?" I ask, looking around to see if there was something around us that was making him uncomfortable. I could see nothing, only an odd couple walking on the beach far away from us.

"I- I need to tell you something." He says as he stands up, "Stand up with me." He continues as I nod and follow him. My heart sinks as he stands in front of him. My mind runs with all the possibilities of him needing to tell me something, nervous as to which one would be the reason he was looking as nervous as he was. Did he get another girl pregnant? Did he cheat and is trying to make up for it? Is he going to tell me he wants kids before marriage? The endless possibilities of what he could ask me worry me until he opens his lips.

"Y/n, we've known each other for countless of years, 7 years 5 months 13 days and 6 hours to be exact. Only 4 of those 7 years have I been dating you, but each of those 7 years 5 months 13 days and 6 hours that I've spent with you have felt special. Everything you say and do is always perfect and will, without a doubt, put a massive smile on my face. You make me so happy, even when you're as annoying as Lando or Carlos. Sure, we've had our fights, and some nasty ones too, but every single time you come back and apologize or I do it which, to me, shows just how strong and mature we really are. Y/n, you've only changed me for the better as the days pass, making me a man I have always wished to become. With that, y/n, I have one important question to ask you; Will you marry me?" Charles says as he slowly gets down on one knee.

I look at him, my mouth open wide, as I stare at him. "Y-yes." I say softly as he smiles wide. "Yes?" He questions as I finally blink the tears away. "Yes! Yes!" I exclaim as he slips a simple diamond ring on, not too big or too small, on my ring finger as he stands up and pulls me into a bone crushing hug. I pull slightly away before smashing my lips onto his, sighing contently into the kiss as he holds me tightly around my waist as I do around his neck.

Once we pull away, I can't help but squeak softly in excitement. "Wait, so this is what you were practicing in front of the mirror and why you've been so nervous?" I ask as his cheeks turn a crimson color. "Yeah." He says with a chuckle as I can't help but laugh. "Why were you nervous? You know I've been waiting for you to pop the question." I say as I caress his cheek. "I didn't know. I was just worried that maybe you had changed your mind or weren't ready. I mean, we are in our early 20s." He says as I smile widely.

"Charles Leclerc, I've been ready since the day I met you and nothing would ever change my mind about you." I say as he smiles widely, "Not even Tom Holland?" He asks as I sigh, "Now that's a tough one." I say as he scoffs and shoves me back jokingly, "But no, not even him." I say as I pull him close to me once again. "I love you." He says as he presses his forehead to mine.

"I love you too."

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