Fernando Alonzo - Christmas Tree

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Hey guys! Here is another Christmas imagine. Let me know if you like these 'season' imagines. If so, I'll definitely write some more in the future like Valentine's Day imagines and more. Enjoy this cute little imagine tho because it's so cute omg.
Context: tinsel is the stuff you wrap around your Christmas tree. TBH, it makes me feel so itchy but it makes the tree look so good omg. Also, in South Africa, we just use fake Christmas trees so just understand that this imagine is using a fake Christmas tree.
Stay safe lovies xx

Warnings: //


I open the front door, happy that I am finally on holiday and can take a break from work, and walk straight to the kitchen once I've kicked off my high heels and hung up my coat. As I enter the kitchen, I see my husband, Fernando, seated at the kitchen island eating a salad. "Hey hun." I say as I kiss Fernando's cheek quickly. "Hey, my love. How was the last day at work?" He asks as I sigh, "I am so happy I am finally on holiday. This year has been an utter shit show after the outbreak of Covid again." I say as he smiles at me sympathetically.

I grab some mango juice from the fridge and pour myself a small glass before taking a seat next to him. "So how do you want to start your first day of holiday? It's just past lunch so we can do something fun and exciting." Fernando says as he looks over at me, his charming smile plastered on his face. "Well, why don't we put up the Christmas tree? It's already December." I say as he nods, "That sounds like a lovely idea. Why don't you finish up here, get into some comfortable clothing and meet me downstairs so we can put it up." Fernando says as I smile.

"Sure." I say as he gets up. He presses a quick kiss to my lips before walking to the living room. I quickly finish off my juice before heading upstairs, checking on Fernando before doing so. He is digging through the cupboards in our living room, grabbing all the boxes for Christmas such as the fake Christmas tree and all the decorations which were neatly placed in boxes. I smile softly at the sight before rushing upstairs and changing.

I slip on a pair of black leggings and one of Fernando's hoodies and some Christmas socks, as it was a little cold today, before heading downstairs. I smile as I see Fernando setting up the tree, almost done the base. "You didn't need to start before I was ready." I say as he looks over his shoulder, smiling wide as he sees that I am wearing his hoodie. "I know you like decorating the tree, not building it." He says as I chuckle, "You know me so well." I say as he shrugs, "We've been married for 3 years and dating for 7, obviously I know my wife." He says as I can't help but blush at his comment.

I help him build the remainder of the tree, passing him all the levels of the tree and pulling down the plastic branches so that we could hang the ornaments on them. "Right, time for decorations." I say as I grab one of the boxes. "I'll decorate the bottom of the tree and you do the top?" I ask Fernando as he nods, "No problem. Any specific theme?" He asks as I chuckle, "No, just random." I say as he nods.

We both get to decorating the tree, hanging different ornaments on the tree. Fernando will always ask if a specific ornament was good enough, not sure if the candy canes should be near the top of the tree. I only laugh at him, "Baby, I don't mind how the tree looks. As long as I am decorating the tree with you, I'm more than just happy." I say as he send me a wink, "Such a heart throb, you." He says making me laugh.

We continue until most of our ornaments are on the tree, only leaving the few ugly ones in the box. We wrap the blue, silver, and red tinsel around the tree, laughing as Fernando gets himself tangled in it. "Fernando, what the hell?" I question through laughter as he huffs, "How the fuck did it get stuck around my bracelet." He says as he tries to get it out of his bracelet.

With a bit of help from me, we get it out and continue wrapping the tinsel around the tree. We also wrap the classic Christmas lights around the tree and plug it in so that we can turn it on once the tree is fully complete. With a sigh of content, I look up at the tree with a big smile, "It looks so cute!" I exclaim as he chuckles, "Now, just the star left." He says as he reaches over and grabs the big star from the box. "Do you wanna put it on?" I ask as he look down at me, "How about we both put it on?" He asks as I smile.

We both grab it with our hands and reach up at the tree and place it on. I struggle a bit, being quite short, but we manage it with a bit of laughter. We both stand back, a proud smile on both of our faces, as we nod at each other. Fernando quickly reaches over and switches the lights on. The tree lights up, twinkling in the corner of our living room as the fire behind us cracks ever so slightly. With how long the tree took us to put up, it was close to 5pm when Fernando decided to get a fire ready and turn on just a few lights so we could see what we were doing.

"I love it." I say as I look over at him. He nods his head as he wraps his arms around me and leans his head on top of mine, "I love it too." He says. "Thanks for doing it with me." I say as I look up at his face. He looks so attractive with the blue, green, red and yellow lights flashing on his face from the Christmas lights, his eyes twinkling with it too. He looks down at me, a smile on his lips, "Anything for the love of my life."

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