Lando Norris - I'll always save you

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Hey guys! So I just came back positive for covid and I am SO BORED. Like, wow. If y'all have any suggestions to do in isolation in a room, let me know please and thank you. But anyway, this was a request by a sweet girl so I hope you enjoy angel! Anyways, enjoy this imagine
Stay safe lovies xx

Warnings: Lewis is made out to be the bad guy BUT HE IS NOT THIS TYPE OF GUY. It's just for imagine purposes and to follow what the request has specified. Don't hate me Lewis fans.


Lando nudges me softly, causing me to hold back a laugh, as the national anthem is played. I look over at him and smile, falling in love with him as time passes. As soon as the anthem is done, Lando pulls me to his side as we make our way to the pit lane and too our garages, Lando dropping me off at the RedBull garage first.

"Good luck out there, my angel. You're gonna smash it." He says as he caresses my cheek. "Thanks, hun. You too. I expect to see you on the podium with me." I say with a wink as he chuckles, "I'll try my best, just for you." And with that, he presses a quick kiss to my lips and disappears to his garage.

"As much as I love the relationship you two have, it's time to get out on that track and win a race." Christian teases as I smile up at him. "Okay, so your strategy is the same as Max's; a two stop." Christian says as I start putting all my gear on, nodding every once in awhile to show him I'm listening. "And y/n, if Lewis gives you any issues, you make it known on the radio. If not, I'll sure as hell make it known." Christian says sternly. I nod and smile up at him, "I will."

Lewis, out of all the people who drive in F1, did not like the fact that I was driving. Why? Only the lord above us knows. He made my life a living hell these past few races, purposely cutting me off and saying absolutely disgusting things about me in interviews. I tried to be nice, but a person can only handle so much. Every single driver took my side but when one of the biggest drivers were saying bad things about you, it had a massive domino effect with regards to the F1 fan base.

I get into my car and head out on the track, lining in P2. Next to me was George Russel in first, and Lewis Hamilton was behind him in P3. Max had a bit of a collision yesterday and only managed P4 and Lando, being involved in that collision, only made P10. The start of the race happens suddenly, the formation lap almost nonexistent with how nervous I felt leading the RedBull's this weekend.

The lights go out and I pull off nicely, not enough to get past George but enough to stay in front of Lewis and Max. We go through a few corners as I start dropping back, away from George and closer to Lewis. As I round one corner, I feel a tire hit the back of mine, sending me flying into one of the corners.

As I'm flying at 300km/h into the wall, I see it was none other than Lewis who hit me into that wall as Max was further down the straight due to a few engine issues which he was complaining about last night after the collision in qualifying. As I hit the wall, everything seems to fade and my whole body hurts, feeling as if every single bone in my body had broken until everything is black and nothing hurts anymore.

Lando's POV

I watch y/n hit the wall but not just any part of the wall, she hits a sharp part of the wall causing her whole car to split in half and burst into flames. Out of instinct, I instantly pull over, my hands fumbling as I try to process what I need to do next. "Lando, don't g-" I cut my engineer off as I switch my car off and rip my seatbelt off and rush over to y/n. Luckily, she was easy to get too, but the flames surrounding her were not making it easy to get her out of the car.

Marshals rush over and try to extinguish the flames before I jump in, but I know there's no time as I knew y/n wasn't conscious. "Fuck it." I say before I jump into the fire. My skin burns, specifically my hands and wrists, as I start undoing her seat buckles. "Baby, wake up." I say as I pull her out, the flames around me burning her just as much as it was burning me. As I pull her out, I feel the fire extinguisher being blasted on me until I collapse, myself and y/n falling to the ground.

Christians POV

I watch in complete horror as I see y/n collide into the wall. "Y/N, are you alright?" I ask but I get nothing back. Her car bursts into blames as soon as I ask her causing a chorus of gasps to be heard in the garage. "That fucking twat!" I exclaim as I walk over to the pit wall.

"Michael, come on mate, Lewis deserve the black flag!" I exclaim finally reaching my boiling point with the way he treats y/n. "Christian, we will decide once this is done. Y/N's safety is the most important thing-" "No! Lewis has caused so many problems last season and this season and everything is aimed towards her! Get him off that god damn track, or I will!" And with that, I leave and walk straight to Lewis' car which was in the pit lane for a pit lane restart once y/n has been taken to hospital.

Lewis is out of his car, utter shock on his face as he watches the replays. "Lewis, you fucking low life son of a bitch!" I exclaim as I shove him. Angela steps in, trying to stop me from hitting her beloved Lewis. "I'm sorry! I just meant to tap her-" "Lewis, you're a 7 time world champion, you should know better! How could you do that to anyone?! She's done absolutely nothing to you and you have caused her to be in one serious crash that may have caused her her own life!" I exclaim, feeling hot tears stream down my face as y/n and Max were like children to me.

Lewis definitely look guilty, but it means nothing when there's a girl most likely fighting for her life. Lewis looks up at the screen, a whole new form of shock written all over his face. I look up at the big screen to see Lando pulling y/n out of the burning car. "That crazy son of a bitch." I say to myself as he collapses with y/n in his arms. The ambulance is quick to arrive and carries both of them in before rushing towards, one can only assume, the hospital.

I look back at Lewis towering over the bastard, "I hope you can live with yourself after this." I simply say before walking back to the garage to talk with Max, who is beyond scared about the state of his two best friends. "Are they okay?" I ask the medical doctor who was on scene until the ambulance took them away. He looks at me, his eyes never meeting mine, and he says nothing. "That's what I thought."


I wake up in excruciating pain, my whole body aching, as I look around. I'm confused as to where I am, but the plain white walls and the beeping sound gave it away as I groan in pain. "Baby? Oh my baby, you're awake!" Lando exclaims next to me. I look over at him and frown, "H-how long was I asleep?" I ask as everything starts coming back to me, the crash coming back so quickly it almost makes me throw up.

"Two days. We were so worried about you." He says as he caresses my cheek. I look at the table next to me, many flowers and notes being placed neatly on the table. "Am I okay?" I ask as he chuckles, tears in his eyes, "Yes, you are now." He says before pressing his lips to mine.

"What happened to my leg?" I ask as I look down at my leg. At the same time, I see my wrists are bandages up, which makes sense as I do remember a fire. "It broke on impact. Nothing to worry, you'll be back to normal in no time. I know you will." He says as he places his hand on my arm causing me to gasp, "What happened to your wrists- wait, you came in to get me?" I ask as his cheeks turn a dark shade of red.

"You crazy son of a bitch!" I exclaim as I slap him slightly, hissing as it hurt a little due to my hand. "Christian said the exact same thing, ironically!" He exclaims with a loud laugh. "But why?" I ask as he gives me a 'really' look. "I love you, y/n. I wasn't gonna watch the love of my life die." He says as I swoon over his words. "I love you too, and thank you." I say as he presses another kiss to my lips.

"What happened with Lewis?" I ask as he smiles widely, "Lewis has been given the black flag for the next 8 races for causing a collision and injuring a fellow racer. He has given a formal apology and sent you majority of these flowers, but I'm still mad at him." Lando says, rolling his eyes as I chuckle. "Well, at least the stupid feud he created is over. But I don't care. I'm just happy I'm with you." I say as he smiles widely. "I'm glad you're still here, y/n. I really am."

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