Lando Norris - Scary movies

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Heya lovies! Enjoy this imagine and remember to vote and comment. This is an old imagine, but I am editing it (don't hold your breath, I just wrote an exam).

Stay safe lovies xx

Warnings: //


"Heya babe." I say over the phone, my phone pressed against my shoulder and ear, as I wait for Lando to respond on the other side.

"Hey hun. You almost packed up?" He asks as I quickly shove some stuff into my bag.

"Yeah, almost packed. I should be home in about 20 minutes." I say as I slip my bag over my shoulder and head out my office.

"Perfect! See you soon, my love." He says as I chuckle.

I wave goodbye to some of my coworkers who were also still stuck at the office due to our dick of a boss and head outside to my car,

"See you in a minute. Bye." I say before ending the call quickly before Lando could continue calling me which always distracts me with all his jokes and his laugh. I quickly drive home, only wanting to be in Lando's arms and under a thick blanket with this depressing weather London was providing us with.

When I arrive home, taking a little longer to get home than expected with Friday traffic, I open the door to see a bunch of pillows and blankets on the couch with a small Lando laying on top of it, his eyes attached to his phone.

"Why, hello?" I ask as he looks over at me before he laughs loudly and stands up and rushes over to me, engulfing me in a tight hug.

"What's all of this for?" I ask as he pulls away, his hands still tightly around me.

He quickly presses a loving kiss to my lips before answering me,

"I wanted us to have a chilled evening since you were told to stay at work for longer than usual. And plus, I heard you wanted to watch this specific scary movie..." he trails off as I gasp,

"No ways! You got ahold of that movie?" I ask as he nods.

"Come, go and get into some comfy clothes and then we can watch the movie with some pizza I ordered." He says as he sways me from side to side, his hands resting on my hips.

"You're such a sweetheart." I say as I look lovingly up into his blue-green eyes.

"Says you. Now go and get changed so I can eat some pizza!" He exclaims as he smacks my bum softly, only making me giggle. I walk upstairs and grab some clothes, specifically one of Lando's hoodies and baggy sweatpants, before taking a quick but warm shower. The warm water was tempting to stay in, but I couldn't resist Lando and the pizza he bought.

After roughly 15 minutes, I'm already downstairs and jumping onto Lando, causing a groan to leave his lips.

"Ready to eat?" He asks as I get off of him. I nod my head as I sit next to him. Lando hands over my pizza and presses play, and the movie begins. Now, normally I'm not into horror movies but this movie not only had my favorite actor in in but also it was based off of a real story which is always fun to watch.

Half way through the movie and my pizza, I notice how Lando would be flinching every few minutes. I look over with a small smile, seeing his eyes open but half closed as he slightly trembles.

"Hun, are you alright?" I ask, a small giggle leaving my lips as he looks over at me.

"Please, baby, I'm totally fine." He says as he rests back, his arm slinging over the couch.

Murphy's law, there's a jump scare right after he says that which causes him to almost fling himself off the couch.

"You sure? I'm sure I just saw your skeleton jump out of your skin there." I say, a loud laugh leaving my lips as he glares down at me.

"You're so funny aren't you?" He asks, raising his eyebrow up as he looks down at me.

"I know, I am hilarious. But like, are you okay to continue watching?" I ask, my smile dropping and changing to a more gentle look as I move my hand to caress his large hand that was places on my thigh.

"I- it's just scary! Like, I'm trying to watch it, I pinky promise, but hiding my face behind this pillow is so tempting." He says. I look at him, a smile spread across my face as his cheeks blush a dark crimson color.

"You're so cute, I swear. We don't have to watch this, though." I say with a smile but he just shakes his head,

"We are watching this. I know you want too, and plus, you always sit through my favorite films." He says before pressing a quick kiss to my lips.

I move to cuddle him further, resting my head on his shoulder as we continue watching the film. After a few moments, I can't help laugh at the young man.

"Babes for fuck sakes, just hide your face behind the pillow." I say as he laughs.

"Thank you." He simply says before shoving his head in the pillow. I laugh loudly as I poke at his side, not really expecting him to actually do it.

"Stop!" He shouts, shifting with every poke which I know only tickles him. I continue doing so, but he quickly reacts by removing his head from the pillow and grabbing me before pinning me down on the couch.

"You asked for it." He says before attacking me with tickles. I shift and squirm as he tickles me, screams of laughter leaving my lips.

"Please stop!" I exclaim in between laughter as he laughs at me, shaking his head before removing his hands away from me.

"Poke me one more time and then I won't stop." He states, his thick eyebrows raised as he stares down at me. I nod my head as I interlock my fingers and smile at him, an innocent smile on my lips. I look at the screen and frown, seeing the credits on the screen.

"Thanks, now we have to watch the movie again." I say, but with a large smile on my face only knowing his response.

"No! We are going to bed." He states as he stands up and pulls me up,

"I would actually like to sleep tonight." He continues as I laugh at him.

"Fine, fine. I'll watch it by myself one day you cutie pie." I say as we walk into our shared room.

"Just tell me when so I can be as far away from this house as possible." He says, a loud and wheezy laugh leaving my lips.

"Deal." I say before pulling his neck down and pressing my lips to his for a sweet, goodnight kiss.

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