Lando Norris - Drunk thoughts

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Hey guys! So I finally finished exams today and OMG IM SO HAPPY (lmao I write this imagine so long ago). Wanna know something? I never have to see maths ever again in my life. I know, major flex. And as a celebration, be ready for a long and enjoyable imagine (2322 words to be exact). Please vote and comment, this took me so long to write.
Stay safe lovies xx


I cross the finish line, another P10 under my belt as I let out a frustrated sigh. "I know it's not the result we wanted, especially with the constructor championship fight, but you got a point. That's all that matters. Great racing, nevertheless. We still have the rest of the season to fight with RedBull." My engineer, Kian, says as I sigh. "Yeah, thanks again. Sorry Toto." I say, knowing damn well he was listening in.

"No, y/n, you did perfectly fine out there. It's just unfortunate you got a puncture. Don't beat yourself up about it. Lewis came first so we got a good 26 points for the championship." He says as I pull into Parc Ferme. "Thanks. Next race will be the right race." I say before switching everything off. I rest my head against the halo, sighing so loudly that I'm sure everyone could've heard me despite the roaring crowd.

As Mercedes second driver, it was my duty to perform as best as possible in every race. I didn't have a shot in winning the world championship, but I played a massive role in winning the constructors championship and I've blown it the past couple of races. Nothing ever being directly my fault, slow pitstops and punctures being my kryptonite, but it played a role in my confidence.

I wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, having just signed a 4 years contract with Mercedes, but it meant that I would get a beating and a half on social media. Most people didn't like the fact that I was a woman racing in F1, but with me making mistakes it was just ammunition for these internet trolls.

A tap on my shoulder catches my attention, pulling me out of my deep thoughts, as I look up to see Lando. "Come, y/n. Lets get out the car." He says as I nod, getting out the car, before he pulls me into a tight hug. "You did well. Don't be so hard on yourself." He says as I can't help but chuckle, "Thanks, but it just hurts." I say as I pull my helmet off and the rest of my gear.

"You'll get over it. I'm telling you, you're gonna win the next race. Just have faith." He says as he wraps his arm around my waist as we make our way to our teams. Myself and Lando are simply just friend, being close as we raced together in F2. I never really had a crush on him, only really thinking he's attractive.

The rest of the night seems to fly past me, interviews taking up majority of the night as did team talks about our potential strategy for next weekend. The plane ride also taking majority of the time, taking a nap for the long flight back home. Once home, I pull the sheets over me and go to bed, not even bothering to check my phone as I knew the hate would only dampen my mood even more.


I wake up to my phone ringing only making me groan as I reach over and answer. "Hello?" I croak out as I sit up, switching the bedside lamp on as it was still dark outside. "I need you in my office in an hours time." Toto's voice is heard on the other side. "I slept well, thanks for asking." I sarcastically reply as I start getting out my bed. "You're so funny, y/n. Please, it's urgent." He states as I sigh, "I'll be there soon." I reluctantly reply before ending the call.

I quickly shower and get dressed, my Mercedes shirt and jeans as per usual covering my body, before I grab something quick to eat. I feed my bird before heading out the door and straight to the Mercedes factory, knowing that's where Toto wanted to meet me. For the first time this morning, I check my phone just before I leave and see a ton of messages and comments on Instagram.

I don't read them or go onto Instagram, fearful that it would dampen my mood and I couldn't allow that just before talking to Toto, knowing he would lecture me about being proud of what I've done and not what I could've done. The drive is short, my house being close to the factory for these specific reasons. Upon arrival, I notice a McLaren in the parking spots.

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