Lando Norris - Christmas sweater

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Hey guys! Here is yet another Christmas imagine. I honestly love these Christmas imagines and I honestly think imma be doing more seasonal imagines. Anyways, enjoy this cute little imagine of the cutie pie, Lando.
Stay safe lovies xx

Warnings: //


I scroll through Netflix in search for a Christmas movie as I wrap the blankets around me tighter. When I've finally found my desired film, I press play and rest my head against the edge of the couch and wrap myself even further into the blanket so no cold air can find its way inside. Halfway through the film, I hear my phone go off which makes me groan.

I reluctantly reach over for my phone which causes cold air to find its way inside the blanket and I hiss at the cool air. I open my phone to see a text message from Lando and a few others from random people. I open it to see a number of messages that have come through from Lando that, for some reason, never went off. I read from the top and can't help but chuckle at him.

Best McLaren driver and boyfriend😋
I just got the best Christmas present for you.
It's so good that you HAVE TO open it when I come home
Ignoring me now because I'm not following Christmas traditions?
That's just low
Wow, fine, I see how it is
Never mind, I love you too much
When I come home you have to try it on
Love you xx

I roll my eyes at his messages, but with a smile on my lips, before putting my phone down knowing he will be home soon anyway. In a few minutes, I hear the front door open. "Baby? I'm home!" Lando exclaims as I hear him kick off his shoes. "In the tv room." I say as I hear his footsteps. He stands in front of me, a childish grin on his face, "So this is why you didn't answer my messages?" He asks as I nod with a big smile on my face, "Yup. Also, your messages didn't come through straight away." I say as he nods.

"Well, come, you're trying on your Christmas present." He says as he sticks out a plastic bag. There was nothing on the bag, not even a business name to give away what present he may have bought me. "Lando, you know it's called a Christmas present for a reason, right?" I ask as he scoffs, "Well, your trying it on now." He says as I chuckle, "But why? Christmas is in a few days." I say as his cheeks turn slightly red

"Well, I want you to wear this on Christmas when we go to my parents." He says as I smile, "Fine, but next time, you give me my Christmas presents at Christmas." I say as he chuckles. I grab the bag and make my way upstairs but Lando stops me before hand, "This isn't your last gift from me, princess." He adds as I raise my eyebrows, "Really? Can't wait for Christmas then." I say and wink at him before heading upstairs.

I close the bedroom door behind me and look into the bag and frown, "What the fuck, Lando?" I question myself as I pull out a hideous Christmas sweater. It has green and red stripes with badly written white text on the front, so bad that I could barely read it. "The best girlfriend in- in the world?" I question as I try and read what was on the front. "No, no. The hot- huh?" I continue to struggle reading the front.

I eventually give up and slip it on over my long sleeve white shirt so that it wouldn't make me itch, just in case with my sensitive skin. I look at myself in the mirror, chuckling at how it looks. It was completely lob sided, the right sleeve of the arm much longer than the left and the length of the entire jumper way to long for my body. "Where did Lando get this?" I ask myself as I look at it. To be fair, it was cute and that's possibly the reason why Lando got it for me.

I eventually leave the room and walk downstairs to see Lando in the kitchen getting a glass of milk. "Uh, baby, what is this jumper?" I question with a small giggle as he turns around. He laughs loudly as he sees me, his whole face turning red from laughter. "You look so cute!" He exclaims as he puts the glass of milk down and makes his way towards me. "Where did you get it?" I ask with a chuckle as he bites his lip but with a smile on his face.

"So, for the McLaren Christmas video this year, we made Christmas jumpers. I decided that I was gonna make one for you instead of me and this is it." He says as I smile widely, "This is so sweet of you! You're such a cutie." I say as I pull him into a tight hug. As ugly as the sweater is, it's the thought that counts. "But on a serious note, what does the text say?" I ask as I point at the white writing on my sweater.

He laughs loudly, "It's supposed to say 'The hottest girlfriend in the world', but it didn't work that well." He says, giggling throughout his explanation. "I was really struggling to read it! But thank you. I like the compliment." I say as he chuckles. "What did everyone think of the sweater?" I ask as I take a seat with him on the couch, the glass of milk in Lando's hand. "Well, Daniel made fun of me and said I was whipped, as if he isn't, and the rest of the team thought it was cute. Although, they advised me to get you another Christmas gift just in case." He says as we share a laugh.

"But I really like it, baby." I say as he shakes his head, "You don't have to lie, babe. I know it looks horrendous." He says as he giggles at himself. "I'll be honest, I won't exactly be wearing this out, but it's the thought that counts, and I'll definitely be wearing this at Christmas lunch with your parents." I say as I lean in and press a quick kiss to his lips. "You're too good for me." He says as his right hand, which is wrapped around my waist, gives me a quick squeeze. "Not in a million years."

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