Oscar Piastri - Christmas Shopping

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Hey guys! This is just another short little Imagine about the new F2 champion. Y'all, I normally hate Christmas imagines, but these are just so cute that I CANNOT help but write them. Anyway, enjoy!
Stay safe lovies xx

Warnings: //


I park into the parking spot at my local shopping store, groaning as I rub my hands together. "Fuck, it's so cold." I say to myself as I turn my car off and wrap my coat around me tightly before getting out of my car. I walk as quickly as possible to the door of the shopping mall. Once I enter, I let out a sigh of relief as the warm air engulfs me. I rub my hands once more as I go in my normal Christmas shopping spree.

I have always been big on Christmas, giving almost everyone I knew a small gift. However, this year I was really struggling with giving gifts. Almost everyone had a gift already, I got my dad a special guitar pick and a new train model for him to build, my brother is getting a new Xbox game, and my little sister is getting the new Barbie doll. But getting a Christmas present for my mother has proved impossible, mainly because she said she didn't want anything.

I was planning to get my mom concert tickets for her favorite band that was coming in next year, but just to find out she already bought herself a ticket. Thank god for my dad sometimes. I eventually decided to come to the large shopping mall in London to get either inspiration or actually buy my mother a gift.

I walk around the large store, finding a few cute things but nothing good enough for my mother. As I'm reaching near the back of the store, I see candles which physically makes me jump in excitement. "Finally." I say to myself as I walk over to the variety of candles. My mom, a classic 50 year old, adores candles. When in doubt, there's always a candle lit in her house making the air smell sweet like roses or of strong cinnamon.

I look through the number of candles, deciding on 5 favorites: a lavender candle, a cinnamon and honey candle, a birthday cake candle, a blueberry candle, and finally an orange candle. I bite my nails, knowing my mother would give me a stern talk on wasting money on 5 candles and would only want one anyway.

As I'm contemplating which one to take, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to be faced with a young man, roughly my age, with a nervous smile on his thick lips. He is slightly taller than me, his hair covered by a thick beanie and his nose slightly red from the cold weather. "Hi, sorry to bother but I need your help. I'm not from here and I wanted to know if this store has dog toys and treats." He says with a smile.

"Hi, not an issue. Yes it does, it's down the 4th isle." I say as I point towards the 4th isle. "Thanks you so much. I'm Oscar by the way." He says outstretching his hand. "Y/n." I say as I take his hand and shake it. "Well, Oscar since I helped you, can you maybe help me?" I ask with a shaky voice as he chuckles, "Of course." He says with a gentle smile.

"Well, I want to buy a candle for my mother for Christmas but I'm not sure which candle out of these would be best." I say as I point at the 5 candles I've chosen. "Well, does your mouthing like classic smells?" He asks as I nod. "So then the birthday candle and blueberry candle won't work. Does your mom have any of these candles already?" He continues to ask as I nod and point at the cinnamon candle, "She's always lighting a cinnamon candle." I say as he chuckles, "Okay, so lets rather give her something else. Does she prefer fruity smells or flower smells?" He continues to ask as I point at the lavender candle.

"Well, y/n, you have your candle." He says as I chuckle, "Thank you." I say as I take the lavender candle. "Not an issue, and thanks again for showing me where the dog isle is." He says as I shrug, "Not an issue, Oscar." I say as he smiles widely, his cheeks slightly red now as well. "See you around, y/n." "See you around, Oscar." I say as he walks off. I do the same but towards the checkout counter.

I quickly pay for my candle, and an energy drink I grabbed just before I reached the checkout area, before heading out to my car. I shudder at the sudden cool air and rush over to my car, placing the candle on the passenger seat and the energy drink in the drink holder. As I am about to get in, I hear my name being called. I look behind me to see Oscar heading towards me, "I got you a chocolate to say thanks." He says as I chuckle, "You didn't need too." "Yeah, but I wanted too." He retaliates as I can't help but blush.

"Thanks Oscar. I'll see you around. Don't get lost in a store again, okay?" I tease as he laughs loudly, "I'll try. Cheers y/n." And with that he walks away towards his car. I get in, shaking at the sudden temperature changes before looking down at my chocolate. I frown as I see a piece of paper attached. I grab it and pull it off of the chocolate and read, "You are just too pretty to not give you my number. Chat soon - Oscar." I read in my head before looking down at the number, obviously Oscars, below what's been said.

"I guess this won't be the last time I see him."

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