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Last Period on a Friday and it's music. Perfect. I won't have to do anything hard, I walked into the room and took my seat next to Calum. He turned to me and smiled as Mr. Lee walked in.
"Everyone I have a sheet here with your partners for the assignment on it, come have a look and then get started."
Everyone got up out of their seats at the same time as if it were rehearsed, before they all crowded around the sheet of paper. I stayed in my seat and watched as people were high-fiving their partner or getting excited if it was one of their friends. The only person I knew in the class was Calum. He was really the only person that I talked to anymore, Larni had ditched me yesterday for Mikayla, who is the most popular girl in school. Larni has photography with her and Mikayla's boyfriend Jake, and she sat with them at lunch yesterday and hasn't said a word to me since. I was brought out of my thoughts by someone poking me on the arm awkwardly. He was tall with blonde hair that was tucked back into his hat. He had bright blue eyes that anyone could get lost in, and a black lip ring which suited him more than anyone i had seen with one before. I quickly looked away when I realised I was staring.
"Hey, your Macy right?"
"Yeah, that's me."
"Well, I'm Luke, your new partner in crime and music assignments."
I laughed a little at his dorkiness
"So, Macy, what kind of music are you into? Taylor Swift? Katy Perry? Ariana Grande?"
"All Time Low, Blink 182 and The Script actually, but Taylor Swift and Katy Perry are good too."
Lukes expression changed quickly from a smug grin, to a bit shocked before his face broke out into a big smile.
"Well that's lucky, because I'm pretty much the same so it should be easy to pick someone for this assignment."
"All time low?"
"Done." He said with a smile, which I returned, because it was impossible not to.

We didn't do any work that lesson, Luke and I were just talking about All Time Low and other people we liked, mainly bands. We talked about how we both play guitar and he said about how he wants to start his own YouTube channel. I gave him my number because apparently he needed to talk to me more about this later.

As soon as the bell rang to go home everyone rushed out of the classroom but I held back a bit as usual so I didn't become a pancake. When everyone had left I got up and left the classroom only to be met by Calum, who had apparently been standing at the door waiting for me. We walked together to my locker, before going to his and then out the front gate of the school.
"Do you want a lift home?" He said, breaking the silence.
"Sure, why not."
"I'm going to need directions though."
He led me to his black Range Rover and I'm sure I was giving him a weird look, Range Rovers aren't exactly affordable at this age.
"It's my mums." He told me as if he were reading my mind.

When we finally made it to my house, which it turns out is not too far from Calum's house. Calum pulled up and got out of the car.
"I'm walking you to the door."
"Okay." I laughed at his commentary
I got to the front door and unlocked it but Calum stood still at the door. He smiled at me and I returned it before thanking him for the lift. I was about to close the door behind me when he stopped it with his foot.
"Macy, if your not doing anything tomorrow do you want to come to my house and we can watch a movie or something."
"Really?" I was a bit shocked, this didn't happen very often. He nodded and laughed.
"Really." he said before laughing again
"Sure, I'm not doing anything."
"Great, I'll pick you up at 11?"
"Sounds good. Bye Calum."
"See you later, Macy."

(a/n: I'm on holidays now so I'll probably be updating more often :)) this is longer than the last one because I finally figured out what I want to happen and how so yeah that's it really. later amigos x)

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