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I got a text from Calum yesterday asking if I wanted to meet him somewhere, we decided we could go to the movies. We decided we would go see 'The Hunger Games: Mockingjay" it had sort of become our thing to watch movies together, and at the moment we both had a strong liking for The Hunger Games series. When Nan dropped me off Calum was waiting out the front for me. When he saw me a smile broke out on his face and he pulled me in for a hug.

"Hey Column."

"What's up Macy Meesa"

"Wait, you know who Macy Meesa is?"

"Yeah, I have a sister and?"

"Calum, since when do you watch J.O.N.A.S ?"

"I told you, Mali used to watch it, how do you know what it is?"

"I used to love the JONAS Brothers, so did you apparently." I couldn't help but laugh

"Oh, shut up, let's go." he grabbed my hand and pulled my inside.


"Popcorn and a large coke please."

He walked up to the counter to order the food while I brought the tickets.
We both finished at the same time and met in the middle.


"Yep." and I led him down to the number cinema we were in.

We sat down in our allocated seats and i set my drink and food down before turning to calum, "I'm just going to the bathroom ok?"


I walked out of the cinema trying to be as fast as possible in the bathroom and luckily when i walked in there was no que. There was however a group of girls around my age standing in the corner laughing at something on one of there phones. I just ignore them going into one of the stalls to do my business before coming back out again. i walk up to the sink and run my hands under the water and thats when i hear the whispering.

"She's so fat." one of them snickers

"yeah and ugly." another giggles

i look over at the group of girls as i can feel them staring at me. They all look away and giggle. I know they are probably all just stupid girls but the words still affect me. I have been insecure about myself in the past. Right after my parents died, I was in a bad place and I was questioning myself all the time. It's not a fun place, being so insecure. I felt myself getting emotional so I quickly ran out of the bathrooms and back in to the cinema before taking my seat next to Calum. He must of noticed something was wrong because as soon as he saw my expression his smile faded.

"Mace, what's wrong?"

"I'll tell you about it later ok."

"Are you sure, we can leave and talk about it now if you want?"

"No, I want to stay and watch this."

"Ok." he said just as the lights fully dimmed, making the room black until the screen lit up.

Calum kept grabbing my knee making me squeal, which would make the old lady sitting behind us tell us to be quiet. At one point of the movie I could feel Calum's big brown eyes staring at me.


"Nothing." he had the most guilty look on his face when he said it.

"We are talking about it later."

"No, we aren't."

"We are," I said a bit louder than how we were whispering before, which only caused the elderly lady behind us shush me again. Calum started whispering very quietly but the lady was giving him the strangest look, if looks could kill, he would be dead.

"Shhh Calum I'm trying to watch the movie." I picked up a piece of popcorn and threw it at his head.

"I hope you know that when we get out of here, your dead."

(a/n: I hope everyone had a good Easter and ate enough chocolate that it hurt your head. shoutout to dreamsofashton for helping with this chapter ♡ love all you glockenspiels x)

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