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"Mace can you come here." Luke called out to me from the other side of the room. One of Lukes friends was having a party and Luke didn't want to be by himself so he invited me as his plus one. When we got here we ended up in different rooms talking to different people though, I found myself talking to a girl who was my age with light pink hair, she told me her name was Ashley, and we started talking about music.



"does anyone call you Mac?"

"Nope, I get Mace a lot though."

"Can I call you Mac?"

"go ahead, I gotta go talk to Luke, I'll see you round?"

"sure, I'll see you round Mac."

I walked over to where he was standing with another guy who looked a few years older than me.

"what's up?"

"Macy, this is my friend Ashton, Ash this is Macy."

I smiled at the tall boy with light brown hair that was pulled back into a bun, I never got what drove girls mad about guys wearing buns, it suited Ashton, but I didn't get it.

"Well it's nice to meet you Macy, Luke here has told me a lot about you." he said with a small giggle.

"good things I hope."

"There's nothing bad to say." Luke butted in and I felt my cheeks go red.

"Well aren't you guys cute." Ashton said as he booped Lukes nose, Lukes face screwed up as he pushed his hand away and both ashton and I started laughing.

"Piss off ash."

"I'm gonna go get some drinks, Mace do you want one?"

"just a lemonade please."

"I'll be back soon." he grinned at me as he walked off.
I started talking to Luke and he was telling me who everyone was and their life stories when Ashton came back with the drinks. He handed Luke his beer and then handed a red cup filled with lemonade to me.


"No worries, anything for Luke's friends." he said with a giant smile, Luke glared at him and Ashton winked back at him. That was weird. I was talking to Ash when Luke grabbed my hand and pulled me into the other room with a group of people who were dancing to the music.

"Ash, I'm not a very good dancer."

"it's ok, nobody here will judge you, here I'll show you."

He put his hands on my hips and started moving them from side to side with the music, I started to get into and Ashton let go of my waist, still dancing next to me. I turned around and saw Ashley dancing.



The music started getting louder and we started dancing together and I started getting lost in the music.

"Hey, blondies staring at you." Ashley meant forward and whispered in my ear.

"Who? Luke?" I whispered back

"yeah, I think he likes you."

"Yeah, we were a thing, but I decided it was better if we were just friends."

"did he agree with that?"

"he seemed fine with it."

"he seems like a good guy."

"yeah, he is."

"come over here a sec." she pulled me out of the crowd of dancing bodies and we sat down on the couch.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2015 ⏰

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