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Calums POV

I walked away from Macys house with a smile on my face, I had done it. I had won her back, I officially had my bestfriend back. Things were back to normal, we were laughing at her lame jokes and my amazing ones. Ok so maybe they aren't so amazing, but we were having fun with it. I made her smile after she had obviously been crying and that's really all I wanted to do. Pick her up when she's fallen. I warned her about Larni and she said she could handle it and not to worry, so I didn't want to push it further.

I couldn't stop thinking about her and it was going to drive me insane. My mind was filled with every detail of her face and it was only when a car horn honked at me that I realized I was still in my car and was just sitting in Macys driveway. As I pulled out I saw Luke waiting in his car to get in. I was annoyed, I wanted to punch him actually but for Macys sake I knew I had to leave him be. If she was going to be happy with him, then I would except that. I wanted her to be happy, she deserves it. Of course it would be better if I was the source of her happiness but you can't always get what you want.

Luke was looking at me weirdly when he realized it was me in the driveway but then he smiled and put his hand up, as a way to say hello, I guess. I raised my hand too before putting it back on the steering wheel and driving away. When I got home I was greeted by Mali.

"Well hey lover-boy, you look happy."

"Yeah I went to Macys."

"How is the lover-girl? You two friends again?"

"Yeah, we're good." I couldn't help the smile that practically exploded onto my face.

"Looks like your more than good, something I should know about?"

"Nothing happened Mali, I told you, she likes Luke."

"Is that what you said? I couldn't really understand, I thought you said Doof and it was a nickname or something."

"No his names Luke, how did you get Luke and Doof mixed up?"

"Emotional Cal isn't exactly the easiest to understand."


I walked away from her to go upstairs, I didn't need to hear about me being upset, it was embarrassing. I walked over to my bed and realized I still had Macys phone.




She slowly came up the stairs and into my bedroom.

"Can you do me a favour?" she looked down at Macys phone in my hand.

"Give it here." I held out the phone and she took it


"Yeah, whatever."

Macys POV

Soon after Calum left there was another knock at the door.

"Luke? What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"I'm fine."

"That's good, I was worried when I didn't see you at lunch."

"Didn't see me? Luke, I waited there for twenty minutes and you didn't show up, I couldn't take it anymore, so I left. Where were you?"

"I got kept back, I had to finish this project thing im working on with Mikayla."

"What's it for?"

"Some place in America, we had to study a business and write about it. It was due today and we hadn't finished."

"Oh, okay."

"I wasn't avoiding you Mace, I wouldn't do that."

"Well I don't even know what to think anymore."

"What do you mean?" A look of panic took over his face.

"I cant do this anymore Luke, I'm sorry." I stood up and walked outside, I needed some air. Did I just do what I think I did?

I crashed into Mali when I got to the end of the driveway.

"Hey Mac- whats wrong?"

"Can I come to your place?"

"Yeah of course, Cal's home."

"Thanks." I gave her a quick hug and she took my hand and walked with me to their house, it felt nice to have her there. I considered her like a sister now.

"Mali, can I ask you something?"


"Is it crazy to have feelings for someone but like someone else at the same time?"

"I don't think its crazy, I think you need to pick which one means more to you though. You can't lead them both on Mace."

"I know its bad, but I can't pick between them. I mean, I know one likes me but the other one would be a risk. I don't want to lose one and have the other."

"That's fair enough. Can I ask you something?"

I nodded.

"Is one of them Cal?"

Lukes POV

I stood there in shock, she just walked out on me. I was in her house, she left me in her house with her nan.

"Mac- oh hi Luke, sorry I thought you were Macy."

"Hi Judy."

"Where is Macy?"

"She should be back soon, I think she just went to get some air."

"Oh, alright. Are you two arguing?"

"I'm not really sure honestly. I was late coming out to sit with her at lunch and I think she got annoyed."

"That doesn't sound like Macy. Not to kick you out Luke but I was just about to go down to the shops, if Macy isn't here, I would rather you weren't here by yourself."

"No, that's okay. I was about to leave anyway."

"I'll see you later." I was walking to the door, her not very far behind me.

"Bye Judy."

"Goodbye Luke."

That was weird. She seemed so distant and annoyed. Normally she is a bright, cheery person but just then it was like she couldn't wait to get rid of me. I wonder if Macy had said anything about us, but how could she? She didn't have her phone? If Macy wanted to be with me she would be with me, not with Calum. What if she likes Calum? I cant let that happen. Snap out of it Luke. I felt sick. She doesn't like Calum, she doesn't like Calum. They are just friends. She likes me, she doesn't push me away when I kiss her so that has to be a good sign.

I couldn't have another Olivia. I pushed her away because my conscience got the better of me. She got sick of me after a while because I wasn't myself when I was with her. It took me forever to move on from her. She had long blonde hair too, maybe I have a type? I was so upset when she left me that I still get upset when I think about her, maybe I haven't moved on. Maybe I'm still in love with her, maybe I'm not supposed to be with Macy. Maybe this was all too soon. I mean I liked Macy, she was gorgeous, but maybe I'm still hung up on Olivia that I can't be with Macy and give her all of me like I want to.

(a/n: New Character! Im so excited for this...)

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