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Calum stuck to his word and was at my house at exactly 11 to pick me up. I opened the door to him wearing loose grey tracksuit pants and a black t-shirt. He was one of those people that it didnt matter what they were wearing or what faces they pulled, they always looked good.

"Hey Mace, you look great." he said with one of his smiles that took over his entire face.

i looked down at my plain outfit, i was wearing a white jumper, black jeans and a black and brown striped scarf, nothing spectacular.

"Its nothing exciting, but thanks Cal."

"Well you look great anyway." he looked down at his shoes as i saw his cheeks turn pink.

I locked the door behind me and walked over to his Range Rover. I decided i should pay attention to where he was driving since i would probably need to know where his house was for future references. His house wasnt very far away at all, it took us barely five minutes to get there. When we walked in the front door i heard a female voice shout out.

"Cal, is that you?"

"Mali? When did you get home?"

"hang on, I'll be there in a minute."

A few seconds later a girl a few years older than me came down the stairs. She was gorgeous, her and Calum look very similar, her long brown hair was down and she has the same big brown eyes Cal does. She ran up to Calum and wrapped her arms around him, she was a fair bit shorter than him but it was adorable. She turned to me and smiled.

"Calum, we are being rude."

"We are?" he asked with a confused look on his face, she hit him gently on the arm

"Who's your friend?" she nodded towards me

"Oh, right, Mali this is Macy, Macy this is my sister Mali."

she pulled me in for a hug
"he's blushing you know." She whispered
We both started laughing which made him blush more.

"Right well, Mali, we are watching some movies in my room."

"Okay, do you want anything to eat?"

Calum looked at me as if this was his way of asking and i shook my head.

"No we're good for now, thanks Mali." he told his sister before grabbing my hand and pulling me upstairs to his room.

When he opened the door, i was a bit surprised to see his room was clean unlike every other teenage boy.

"What?" he smirked

"Its clean." he started laughing before pulling me over to his bed

"Make yourself at home."

His walls were white with some posters of different bands covering them. He had a set of wooden draws against one wall and a door that led through to a bathroom on the side of the room opposite his bed. He walked over to his draws which had his laptop sitting on top of it.

"so what should we watch?" he asked me before sitting back down on his bed with his laptop in his hand

"Whatever you want, it doesnt worry me."

" How about... Hunger Games?"

"Sure, why not."

He moved so that he was laying down next to me with the laptop in between us. Every so often Calum would squirm a bit until he got comfortable again which made me laugh at him everytime because he reminded me so much of a little kid who couldnt sit still.

"Mace?" he whispered

"Yeah?" i whispered back to him

"I'm so uncomfortable."

why is he whispering?

"Why dont we pause the movie and do something else for a while and come back then?"

"thats a good idea, what do you want to do?"

"Lets go for a walk somewhere."

"Ok, um we can walk to the shop on the corner and get something for lunch?"

Without replying i stood up and grabbed his hands to help him up. When he was up he didnt let go of my hands and he pulled me out of his room downstairs.

"Where are you two headed?" Mali called out when we got to the door

"We are going to the corner shop, do you want anything?"

"No im good, do you need money?"

"Ive got some, bye." he called back before closing the door.

Calum still hadnt let go of my hand so i just went with it, as we walked he started humming a tune that sounded really familiar but i couldnt work out what it was

"Cal what are you humming?"

"In the Summertime by Thirsty Merc, its a good song."

"i love that song, i cant believe they never made it big."

"I said the same thing."

"i like 20 good reasons by them too."

"You have got some damn good taste in music."

"Thanks, bit different to other girls, but im happy."

"well then im happy too."

(a/n: shoutout to @dreamsofashton for making the cover ♡ if you dont know who Thirsty Merc are, please youtube the two songs i put in here, because they are pretty good. If you have any good bands or songs comment them and i will listen to all of them. AND the picture is of Victoria Baldesarra which is who I see as Macy :) Au Revoir minions x)

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