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I walked out of my class room and went to find Larni, who had surprisingly found her way to the music block as she was practically standing at the door waiting for me.

"You took forever!"

"Sorry, I just let everyone walk out first so I don't get pushed."

She laughed at me shaking her head before grabbing my arm and running down the hallway.

She was pulling me along so fast and before i knew it i had bumped into a strong chest. I could feel myself falling backwards and was preparing myself for the fall but was caught at the last minute by two strong arms.

His scent wafted up my nose and nearly made me drool. He smelt amazing. I looked up to see the deep brown eyes that I recognized from earlier today.

"Calum?" I speak aloud. He smiles at me, the corners of his eyes crinkling up and I look away blushing as I realize I was staring.

"Are you alright?" He asks looking amused by my clumsiness. He stands me upright and I smile at him in appreciation.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just super clumsy is all" I can feel the heat in my cheeks increasing as he stares at me.

He smiles at me one last time and starts to walk away saying, "I'll see ya around Macy"

I smiled at his retreating figure and when I turned back around I saw Larni standing there with a look of amusement and mischief in her eye and I think I can see a hint of questioning in there too.

I bite my lip in embarrassment. This is gonna be a long day full of questions.


We took our new spot in the cafeteria for lunch and as soon as I sat down Larni gave me a strange look.
"You know what." I did know what, she wanted to know about Calum. I honestly couldn't tell her much because there wasn't much to know.
"I have no idea what your talking about."
"Don't play dumb Mace. Is this something I don't know? How do you know that guy, Calvin, I think that was his name..."
"Calum," she gave me a strange look "his name is Calum."
"Oh, yeah, right, whatever. I need to know details!!" She practically yelled, shaking my arm excitedly.
"There's not much to know, I sat next to him and then he caught me from falling on my face in front of people. the end."
Larni stared at me for a while before she shrugged and continued eating her food.
"Whatever you say Mace."
I exhaled deeply before ending the conversation and going back to my food.

(a/n: its been a while, it's short, I'm sorry. That's really it, later humans x)

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