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The next few days were extremely warm, but that's Australian summers for you. I had spent everyday after school with Calum, most of them at his house because he had insisted that it needed to be even, he couldn't always be at my house apparently, even though I didn't see the problem with it. He sent me a text telling me to grab my bathers just as I was about to walk out the door. I was staying at his house tonight because my Nan had to go away for the weekend. When I asked her where she was going she said it wasn't important and that I would need to stay at a friends, whether it be Luke or Calum. I quickly ran back upstairs and grabbed my pink bikini before I shoved them in my bag and walked back downstairs and out the door. It was only a 5 minute walk to Calum's house if you walked fast.

I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket so I pulled it out only to find Luke's name on the screen.


"Lucas Hemmings."



"WOULDYOULIKETOGOONADATEWITHMETONIGHT?" He said it so fast I could barely understand.


"Would you like to go on a date with me tonight, I know it's short notice but I didn't think of it until just now and I have the perfect idea and I want you to be there with me."

"I would love to Luke, but I'm staying at Calums tonight. My nan is going away for the weekend and she said to stay with a friend and Calum said he had a spare bed, but I can next weekend?"

"Oh, that's okay, we can do it another time."

"I'm really sorry Luke."

"No, it's okay Mace, really don't worry. We can do it another time."

"Sorry again, I do really want to though, so next weekend?"

"Next weekend sounds good."

"Bye Luke."

"Cya Mace."

When I hung up the phone I was standing in Calum's driveway. I saw him in the window, and a few seconds later he came running out the door. He didn't slow down very much before he crashed into me, I think he was meant to slow down and hug me but he crashed right into me at full speed and I struggled to catch myself and the next thing I know I was on the ground.

"You right there? You know there was a person there, her name is Macy."

"Oops, my bad." He just laughed, he didn't look worried at all that he just knocked me over. I turned my face away from him and saw that his sprinklers had made a puddle.

"Help me up!" He stuck his hand out and as he was pulling me up, I pulled his hand down and he fell right into the puddle. Perfect.

"Oh, your dead!" He scooped me up and threw me over his shoulder.

"What are you, the hulk?"

"Shhhh, Macy, people might hear you."

"Put me down!"

"Nope." And then he started running with me still on his shoulder, he ran around the side of the house and through the gate and that's when I saw the reflection of the blue water.


"I'm sorry what was that?" We were getting close and closer to the pool.


"Macy, I can not hear a word you are saying." He had the biggest smirk on his face, this wasn't going to end well.


"Okay." Okay? That was too easy.

He grabbed my hips but instead of putting me down he threw me backwards, what he didn't realise is that I had a firm hold on his shirt with one hand, and his arm with the other. I went flying back into the pool and I held his arm tighter trying to pull him in with me. I heard a big splash after me, meaning that I had pulled him in.


"That's what you get for throwing me into the pool."

"Okay, we're even!"


"You guys are so weird." Mali. I didn't even see her out here.

"Hey Mali."

"Hey Mace, what's up?"

"Well I just got thrown into the pool so you know how that goes." When she laughed, she had the same facial expression as Calum. Around her eyes wrinkled, her dimples were even more obvious, and her smile was huge.

"Yeah, well at least you got Cal in too."

"I figured If i was going swimming, he had to as well."

"Hey Cal?"


"I like her, keep her!"

"I was planning on it!" He looked over at me, and smiled before looking down and playing with his hands.

"Alright, well I'll be inside if you two idiots need anything."

"Thanks Mali!" Cal shouted out to her.

"Yeah, Yeah." She said before sliding open the door and going back inside.

"We should probably change into bathers, if we want to keep swimming."

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea."

We ran inside and Cal told me to change in his room while he took the bathroom.

"I'll meet you downstairs." I nodded before closing the door

I quickly got changed and grabbed my towel out of my bag before I opened the door and went to go downstairs again. I got to the top of the staircase when I heard Mali and Cal talking.

"I can see it Cal, don't lie to me."

"Well, she doesn't, so forget it."

Who were they talking about? As curious as I was, I hated eavesdropping on people so I ran downstairs like I hadn't heard anything.

"What's up Macy Meesa?" He pushed me playfully on the arm when he said it

"Who the hell is Macy Meesa?" Mali looked genuinely confused. I burst out laughing, Calum had lied about Mali watching J.O.N.A.S or Mali had a really bad memory. I'm guessing the first option.

"Wait, Cal, you told me her last name was Evans?" I laughed even harder, she clearly had no idea.

"Her last name is Evans," he said pointing to me "Macy Meesa is someone else."

"Well, who then, do I know her?" I was in tears at this point.

"Apparently not." I don't think they understood because I was laughing so hard.

"We are going back out to the pool now." Calum grabbed my hand and dragged me outside.

"Ok, I'll be in he-" Mali got cut off by Calum shutting the door.

"Why'd you lie?"

"I though't you think that there was something wrong with me, because not many guys watch it. I wanted you to see me as a normal guy."

"Awww Cal, I think it's cute that you watch it. It gives us something else to talk about. You should have just told me though."

"I'm sorry, no more secrets okay?"

"Okay." I stuck out my pinkie. He just stared at it.

"Your serious?" He was trying to hold back a laugh

"Dixie chick serious." I said with a laugh as he threaded his pinkie with mine.

(a/n: I laughed so much while writing this chapter. there's a couple of movie reference/quote things in this because it was working for me. Sue me. Lub Chu munchkins x)

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