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"You don't understand, I had a missed call on my phone and then a second later my phone restarted and it was gone, I couldn't listen to the voicemail and it could be very important. Is there anyway of me getting it back?"

i had been on the phone for over half an hour trying to get through to the phone company. They didn't understand the importance of that missed call.

What if it was Calum? I know he said to meet him at 7 but what if i went and it wasn't me who he liked at all. What if i didn't go and he was standing there waiting for me? What was i supposed to do?

After another twenty minutes i worked out there was no way of getting the voicemail back and that i had to make a decision seeing as it was 6:50.



"CAN YOU COME DOWN HERE PLEASE!" I hadn't heard my nan shout like that in months, i ran downstairs into the kitchen.

"Whats wrong?"

"What is this?" she had a small piece of paper in her hand, she didn't look angry which was a good sign.

"I have no idea?"

"Its written to you! I don't think Luke would send this to me Macy."

i took the piece of paper from her hands;



I'm not sure what I have done to upset you, but i want to make it right. Meet me tonight at 7.30 out the front of Nandos. We need to talk.

-Luke :-)



"What's wrong?"

"Did you read that?"


"and What do you think i should do?"

"Do you like him Mace?"

"I don't know my feelings, I mean I like luke, lukes great, but..."

"But you have feelings for calum too?" She says as if it's obvious.


"Come on Mace, a blind mouse would be able to see that."

"Blind mice can't see Nan."


Calum's POV

I waited. I waited for 30 minutes, she didn't show. After that I decided I needed to move on and that it was probably for the best, she didn't want to be with me in that way and I was fine with that. It would take me a while to move on but if she didn't want this then there was no point wasting my time. We could remain friends, it would be exactly as it is now, and I was really okay with that. I walked in the front door of my house and slowly made my way to my room.

"What's up with you?"

"I'll tell you another time Mali, right now I just want to lay down and think to myself."

"Okay, I'll be here when you need me." She walked over and gave me a hug but she pulled away when the doorbell rang. I didn't want to see who it was so I closed my bedroom door behind me and flopped onto my bed.
The only thing I could think about was why. Why didn't she want me? Why was I not good enough for her? Why didn't she show up and tell me no? Why did this happen to me? I pulled out my phone and plugged in my headphones, the only thing that could make me feel better was music at a time like this. I clicked on the All Time Low album and hit shuffle. The music drowned out my thoughts for a while until 'The Edge of Tonight' came on.

Spent my whole damn life,
trying to get things right,
and for every one of my mistakes,
you gave me all these chances,
When the roads too long,
And I am tired,
You are my horizon,
And I'll drive until it all breaks down.

I ripped the headphones out of my ears and threw them on the bed. I couldn't take this anymore. I had to know why.
I picked up my phone and dialled her number. It rang a few times before being sent to voicemail. If Thats how she wanted to be, that's fine with me. I just thought we were better than that. I needed to clear my head, I put my vans on and walked out the door.

Macy's POV

After talking to Nan for a while, i discovered it was too late to see Calum and that I would talk to him tomorrow, right now I needed to talk with Luke, tell him I wanted to be friends but right now I couldn't be anything more.

I got Nan to drive me to Nandos and got out quickly when I saw Luke standing out the front.

"Mace, you came." I looked down at my feet and nodded.
why was I so nervous? it was just Luke.

"Why wouldn't I?"

"I didn't know if you would want too."

"I can't stay for long," why was I lying to him "I don't know how to say this.... I just wanted to tell you that I think it would be best if we just stayed friends. I can't be in a relationship right now Luke, I'm sorry for leading you on, but I can't do this with you right now. It's just not working."

"Mace, it's okay, I get it. We can stay friends, I'll wait for you if your not ready for this. Its okay, I promise."

"I'm so sorry Luke." I could feel myself getting emotional but I wasn't sure why.

"Don't cry Mace, it's okay, I get it." he wiped his thumb under my eye where a tear had just fallen. I wrapped my arms around him and he hugged me back tightly, neither of us wanting to let go.

Calum's POV

As I walked down the street, my stomach grumbled. I hadn't eaten for hours, I was right around the corner from a bunch of food places, and as I walked along the road I saw two figures in the distance standing on the footpath. As I got closer I saw her standing there wrapped up in Luke's arms. Macy chose Luke. I couldn't look at it anymore, I wasn't hungry anymore. I turned around and ran back home.

(a/n: I'm back from my break with drama drama DRAMA. but this is officially the longest chapter EVER. ok bye later sk8rs x)

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