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I felt around my back pockets, searching for my phone, I was sure I had put it in there and now I couldn't find it. I know I had it when I left Calum's house, it had to be in the house somewhere. After another half an hour of searching for it, I decided to grab the home phone and call it. Nothing. No ringing, no vibrating. Just silence. I screamed when I heard a loud knock on the front door.

I tip-toed over to it, unsure of who would be coming to my house. The only people who knew where I lived was Calum, Luke and Nan, obviously, but she wasn't due home until tomorrow. The knocking became stronger and louder, I decided to open the door, mainly because I was scared who ever was behind it would knock it off the hinges.

I slightly opened the door, just enough so i could see the figure behind the door. His tall figure came into view and I smiled before fully opening the door and telling him to come inside.

"Good your home."

"You want to tell me what your doing here?"

"Im sorry Mace, but i wanted to see you, or just talk to you really." i pulled him into the lounge and we both sat down on the couch

"Would you like me to leave?" he asked with a sad look in his eyes, readying himself to stand back up. I moved so i was practically sitting in his lap. A smirk took over his face.

"I'll take that as a no." The smirk on his face growing bigger by the minute, thats when i realised i was still sitting in his lap, I got up to move off him but his hands grabbed my waist and pulled me back down.

"Your not going anywhere."

"Ill break your legs if I sit here, my weight will literally crush you."

"Right and your fat and my names Chandler Bing." i laughed at his lame reference before squirming around so i was comfortable.

"If your Chandler what does that make me?"


"I always thought of myself as a Phoebe."

"You see Mace thats where your wrong, Phoebe doesn't end up with Chandler. Monica does."

"And we are going to end up together?"

"Well do you see us as just friends?" this conversation was getting serious, fast.

"Do you?"

"That depends, Mace."

"What does it depend on?"

"Your thoughts."

"My thoughts? My thoughts on what?" his hands cupped my cheeks and he pulled my face towards his, pressing his lips to mine slowly. I couldn't kiss him back, I was in shock. He pulled away and I felt my face heat up. We were staring straight into each others eyes when we were interrupted by a loud knocking at the door.

I got up quickly and made my way to door flinging it open, finding no one there. The knocking got louder and i realised it wasn't at the front door at all, it was at the side door. I walked through the house to the glass door where i was greeted by an expression that was the opposite of happy.

"What are you doing here?"

"I missed you, clearly your busy." He scowled

"Don't be like that!"

"Like what Mace?"

I stayed silent, I honestly didn't know what to respond to that.

"That's what I thought." he scoffed with an annoyed look on his face

"Why are you so mad?"

I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind. That's probably why.

"You two are clearly busy..." He started backing away from the door

"Wait, please don't go."

"Call me when you actually want to be around me."


"Bye Mace." I felt a tear run down my cheek as he got back in his car and drove away. What did I just do?

(a/n: so I've left this open with no names because I want to see who you guys assume it is with Macy and who you assume is at the door.

That's for me to know and you to find out. later skaters x)

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