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I woke up to the noise of One Directions 'Where Do Broken Hearts Go' playing through my small bedroom. It was the first day back at school and I was dreading it. You could say I was a bit of a loner, I had a couple of people I talked to but I had nobody to go shopping with or anything like that. Nobody that I was extremely close to that I would stay with all the time and call my 'unbiological sister' not many people wanted to be my friend because I'm a bit of a weirdo. but I don't mind, it lets me think about the world and do what I love all the time, play guitar.
I rolled out of bed and shrugged on the clothes I laid out last night. Today I was going with my usual black jeans, all time low shirt and my white converse. I tied a flannel shirt around my waist before I made my way downstairs.
"Morning honey."
"hi nan." I groaned, I wasn't happy this morning because I really didn't want to go back to school.
"Someone's in a bad mood today." she chuckled
"Sorry, I'm just not looking forward to today."
"I know sweetie, it's ok." She smiled before handing me a cup of coffee and walking upstairs. I had been living with my nan for a couple of years now, I moved here when my parents died. I didn't want to move in with my auntie so my nan said that I could live with her in Australia. So I moved a few months later to her house here in Sydney. Australia is so much warmer than Canada, it's really nice here and I'm glad I moved.
As soon as I finished my coffee I ran upstairs and brushed my teeth before I put my long blonde hair up in a bun, grabbed my bag and walked out the door.

I got to school 20 minutes later and quickly ran to my first class, English. My English teacher is always in a bad mood so I like to get there on time to stay on her good side. I looked around the room and saw a few familiar faces and one I didn't recognise, she had long brown hair and looked quite short, I couldn't tell that well because she was sitting down. She had big brown eyes and was quite pretty. When she noticed me looking at her smiled at me, I returned it before she got up out of her chair and came and sat next to me.
"Hey, I'm new here." She smiled
"Hi." I said with a small smile
"I'm Larni."
"Macy." I said with a smile, Larni seemed nice enough.
"Macy, thats a cool name," she laughed "well Macy, we are going to be good friends, I can tell already. You seem cool, I like your shirt too." She said with a laugh
"Thanks." I laughed before looking down to see Larni was wearing the same All Time Low shirt.
Larni had the same classes with me all day which I was happy with, I got to know her a lot better and she sat with me at lunch. Today was the first day since I moved here I had someone to sit with at lunch. I liked the company. Larni and I have lots of similar interests too, we both play guitar and we both like to draw. She likes all the same music as me, so we spent most of the day talking about that. After school she handed me her phone and I typed in my number.
"Great," she smiled "now I can text you so we don't wear the same shirt everyday." She said and we both started laughing
"How are you getting home?" I asked her
I nodded before she gave me a hug
"I'll see you tomorrow Mace."
"Bye Larn." I smiled and waved as she Walked off to go home.

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