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To say school was awkward would be an understatement. It was awful, Calum and Luke were both in my music class and I couldn't look at one without feeling the others eyes burning into me.

Luke and I were sitting next to each other because we were working on our All Time Low project, I wasn't much help though because all I wanted to do the entire time was be next to Calum, fixing what I broke. He wouldn't look me in the eye when I tried talking to him, he just glared at me and walked away. It hurt. It was like a punch to the stomach and I just wanted my best friend back.

I also wanted my phone back. I still hadn't found it and I had no idea where it was, I was going to get a new one tonight because I was struggling without it. Even though there was three people who actually contacted me on it and one of them was avoiding me, I still missed the feeling of a hard square in my pocket.

I walked into the cafeteria and took my usual table. I waited for Calum or Luke to come sit with me but after twenty minutes I gave up and realised that no one was coming, I was alone. I started picking at my sandwich but I suddenly wasn't hungry, instead my thoughts were getting the better of me. Was this what my life is going to be? Am I going to be just a loner girl with no friends for the rest of my life? Am I an Outsider?

My thoughts were interrupted when the bell rang, I went to the office and used that phone to call my nan, She told me she'd be here in ten minutes and to meet her the office. I couldn't stand going through another music class without talking to Calum. I missed him too much, I couldn't do anything with Luke until I cleared things up with Cal.

Calums POV

I went home during lunch, I couldn't stand it anymore. Seeing her and Luke together was like seeing an angel love the devil. Music was terrible, what usually is my get away from the world has turned into a one way trip to hell. I wanted to talk to Macy so bad, truth was I missed her like crazy. She probably hates me. I flopped onto my bed and instantly felt a sharp pain in my tail bone. I got up quickly to find Macy's phone sitting on my bed. Crap. I forgot to give that back to her, when I went to her house to return it, I got so mad at the sight of her kissing Luke that I didn't give her back the phone I just ran back to my car. I ruined everything. Macy was never going to look at me the same, she will never like me the way I like her, not that it matters anymore because she probably won't even want to be friends let alone more. My jealousy just ruined everything good in my life and now I'm sitting here wondering, is it even worth it?

Maybe I just need to leave town and come back in a few days. Or never come back at all.

There was a knock on the front door and I was just assuming it was my sister, I went downstairs anyway to answer it. Mali should have a key though.

"Mali I swear to god if you lost your key again-" I stopped myself mid sentence when I actually looked at the person standing behind the door. My face dropped.

What the hell?

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