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I woke up in a bed that didnt feel like my own, it took me a while to register where i was. I looked around the room and saw the mattress on the ground. Turns out Calums spare room wasnt actually avaliable, because it didnt exist. So here i was in Calums bed, while he took the mattress on the ground. It didnt matter how many times i refused his bed, he practically threw me onto it and told me to stay.

I looked down at Calums sleeping body on the ground, he looked so cute and cuddly and his cheek was smushed up to his eyes because of how he was resting on the pillow. His lips were parted a little as he let out small, steady breaths. I watched him for a few minutes before my phone started ringing. I rushed over to my bag and pulled it out. Calum was squirming a bit and groaning, obviously my phone ringing had woken him up. Without checking the name i answered it.



"Hi nan." i yawned as i said it and i could hear her laughing at the other end of the phone.

"Sorry to wake you up honey, but i was wondering if you could stay at Calums again tonight, or he can stay at our house, because i wont be home until tomorrow afternoon. I dont want you to be by yourself all that time."

"Ill check with him later, im sure it will be fine."

"Great, ill see you tomorrow."

"Ok, bye Nan." and i hung up before she could reply.

i could see Calum moving a little bit, and then his eyes fluttered open and he lifted his head up. His hair was fluffy and was all over the place and his left cheek was red from sleeping on it.

"Hey." he looked up at me and i couldnt help but laugh, his eyes were only open the tiniest bit and he had a small smile on his face


"How long have you been awake?"

"Not long, I pretty much woke up when my phone rang."

"Oh, thats alright then. Are you hungry?"

"No not really."

"We could watch a movie?" i had to laugh at his suggestion

"Because what else would we do?"

"One day, Mace, we will run out of movies to watch and we will have to go outside."

"No, then we will start on TV shows, obviously."

"Right sorry, my bad."


After watching movies for the entire day, Calum left the room to have a shower and i decided i should go home. Calum and his family were probably sick of me, i didn't want to overstay my welcome. I was packing up my bag when Mali walked into the room.


"Where do you think your going?"

"I can't stay here forever Mali, i don't want you to get sick of me being here."

"Mace, thats not gonna happen! You can stay here again tonight."

"Really, Mali, its ok."

"If you want to go home you can, but your always welcome here! I love having another girl in the house."

another girl? Wouldn't she have her mum? i felt like it was rude to ask but i was extremely curious.

"What about your mum?"

"Mum? She's barely ever home, she works away doing whatever it is she does, and i hardly ever see her anymore. Cal's pretty much the only real family I've got."

"You two are pretty close huh?" she let out a little laugh

"Yeah you could say that, but seriously Mace, stay as long as you want, your like a sister to me now."

"Thanks Mali."

"No worries, ill be downstairs if you need anything."

As soon as Mali closed the door again I finished packing my bag, even though she was fine with it, i didn't feel comfortable staying again, I could call Luke and ask him to stay over tonight or something. I couldn't stay at Cal's again. A few minutes later the door opened again, this time revealing my best friend.

"What are you doing?"

"Im packing up my things, what are you doing?"

"Don't get sassy with me Mace, why are you leaving?"

"I can't stay here Cal."

"Why not?"

"I can't stay here forever Cal."

"I don't mean forever, but come on Mace, you can't just leave, you'll be at home alone."

"Then ill call someone to stay over, spend some of your weekend with your sister."

"But i want to spend it with you." he pouted, he knows thats my weakness.

"Dont pout at me, Im leaving and you can't do anything about it!" i laughed as i picked up my bag and walked out the door, closing it behind me.

Calum's POV

I watched her walk out the door of my bedroom, she couldn't leave, i didn't want her too. I had to do something to get her to stay. I flung open the door and ran downstairs after her calling out her name. She was hugging my sister goodbye when i got to her. I was really happy Mali liked her, Macy is important to me but so is my sisters opinion. I knew Mali would love her though, we have always thought alike.

"Wheres my goodbye hug?" she smiled and walked over to me, wrapping her arms around my waist. I hugged her back tightly, i could feel her phone in her pocket, i squeezed her impossibly tighter with one arm and gently pulled the phone out slowly with the other. She didn't seem to notice its absence. I slid it up the sleeve of my hoodie and pulled away from her.

"You know i have to leave now right?"

"Yeah i know." she picked up her bags and and slowly made her way to the door.

"Bye Cal."

"Bye Mace." i knew i would be seeing her later though, to return her phone to her, but of course she didn't. I shut the door behind her and turned around to see Mali giving me a strange look.

"I saw that, what the hell are you doing?" Shit. Be cool.

"What are you talking about?"

"I watched you take her phone out of her back pocket Cal, why the hell did you do that?"

"I couldn't think of anything else, i didn't want her to leave, and it was the first thing that came to mind for me to be able to see her again. I know it might seem stupid but i knew i wouldn't be able to stop her leaving so this is the other option." she smiled at me with a look in her eyes i didn't recognise.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You really like her, don't you?" i felt the heat rush to my cheeks, i turned around and ran back upstairs leaving Mali without an answer.

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