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I was extremely lonely on Monday morning walking to school, Larni doesn't walk with me anymore, she gets picked up by Mikayla's boyfriend Jake and they meet Mikayla at school because she lives on the other side of town. I was a bit disappointed that Larni didn't last long, I liked her, she was sort of like me but I'll move on, I'm used to being alone, this will be just like how it used to be.

I was brought out of my thoughts by a car horn honking at me. I turned to see a very familiar black Range Rover with a very familiar face inside it.
"Need a lift?" He called out
"Sure why not." I quickly walked over to the car and jumped in the front seat.
"Thanks Cal."
We drove to school with the All Time Low CD blaring through the speakers, both of us singing as loud as we possibly could. When we got there Calum told me to wait in the car for a minute because he had to do something. I watched as he ran around to my side of the car and opened my door for me.
"Welcome Madame, you have arrived at the home of torturing children, enjoy your stay." I laughed at his posh accent before taking his hand and stepping out of the car.
"Why thankyou kind sir." we both started laughing at my failed attempt at a posh accent before he took my hand in his and led me into the front gates.

I had English first, which I was not looking forward too. It was probably going to be awkward with Larni.
I walked in and saw Luke sitting at the back of the room, he waved me over to sit with him, when I sat down he flashed a big smile. The teacher started explaining a book she had read in great detail so I turned to Luke and started talking to him.
"So how was your weekend?"
"Pretty good, I went to the beach with my friend, Ashton. We went surfing, it was good. How was yours?"
"Yeah, good, I spent most of it with Calum. He's in our music class, brown ha-"
"Mace, I know who it is" he said with a small laugh
"Oh, right, well yeah I was with him for most of it."
"So, you and calum huh?"
"No, no, we are just friends." His smile grew bigger with my words
"Sorry, don't tell your boyfriend I said that."
"I don't have one, so your safe." I laughed
"Aren't I lucky then?" He said it with the biggest smirk on his face.
"Miss Evans, can you fill me in on what happened in the book I read?"
I froze. Of course I couldn't I hadn't listened to a word she had said about her boring book and to be honest I didn't care. I was about to say that I hadn't been listening when Luke cut in.
"She was just telling me about it actually, she said about how interesting she thought it was when the young girl made it through her surgery."
"I loved that part too!" And she went back to telling the class about her book.
I leant over towards Luke.
"How did you know what she was talking about?"
"She told me about the book when I got to school."
"Well, thanks, saved me from a detention and a whole lot of embarrassment."
"No worries, always here for you Mace."
"I appreciate it." We both shared a smile before turning back to the front of the room.

(a/n: so, I'm not sure if I prefer Macy + Luke or Macy + Calum, comment who you think. This is shorter than usual but I'm updating pretty much everyday so forgive me x)

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