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The bell for the end of the day rang and Calum was singing my name through the hallway for the whole school to hear.

"Could you be any louder?"

"i can try, MAAAA-"

i quickly smacked my hand over his mouth to make him quiet, i felt his lips curve up into a smile before his tongue poked out and licked my hand. Gross.

"EW, CALUM! Thats SO gross!"

he started laughing at his little joke

"You loved it Mace." i could barely understand him because he was laughing so hard

"That wasn't funny." as i walked away from him i wiped all his slobber onto his face.

"EW, MACY! thats SO gross!" he said with a weird highpitched voice and i knew he was mocking me.

"Goodbye Calum, have a nice day."

"No you dont." he said and grabbed my wrist pulling me back towards him

"What do you want Cal, i wanna go home."

"Uh-um, i, i'll drive you." he stuttered out with a weird cough

"Whatever weirdo." i walked off again towards where he normally parks his car without him. I could hear him dragging his feet behind me, so i sped up my walking a bit. By the time i made it to Calums car, he was running to catch up with me.

"Why dont you walk faster next time, what are you, walking a marathon or something?"

"I'm sorry next time ill speed up a bit."

"Jesus Mace, why are you in such a rush? You got someone waiting for you at home?" He asked as we both got in the car and started driving home.

"Apart from my boyfriend, no."

His face dropped.


"Yeah, didn't I tell you, his names Austin."

"Austin? Austin Who? Where's he from?"

"He's from California, yeah I met him once when he was on holidays in Canada, we fell instantly in love."

"What's his last name, do I know him?"

"You probably wont, his last names Butler, tall, blonde, super hot." I tried to keep in my laughter, Calum obviously didn't know who he was.

"Ok, I get it." he didn't look annoyed, just a bit disappointed, and that's when I broke. I burst out laughing and Calum was giving me the weirdest look which only made me laugh harder.

"Mace, why are you laughing, this isn't funny."

"Austin Butler is an actor you idiot, I'm going home to watch tv, you can join me if you want?"

"That was so mean, I thought you were serious!"

"Aww, were you jealous?" I said, booping his nose. His cheeks turned pink so I took that as a yes.

"No, I wasn't jealous, I just thought you would tell me something like that."

"You don't need to worry Cal, I promise I'll tell you when the time comes."

He smiled and I swear I heard him mumble 'you won't need to' under his breath, but I ignored it anyway. When we pulled up at my house Calum jumped out too, I guess he decided he was watching tv with me after all. when we got inside I could hear my nan in the kitchen.
"Nan, I'm home, my friend Calum is here too."

"Hi honey, how was your day?"

"Pretty good, this is Calum by the way."

"Hi sweetheart, I'm Judy, you can call me nan too if you like."

"I'm Calum, Calum Hood. It's nice to meet you nan."

"Lovely to meet you too sweetie, you two go upstairs and I'll make you something to eat."

"Thanks Nan, love you."

"Love you too."

I grabbed Calums wrist and pulled him through the house, upstairs to my bedroom.

"She's so nice." He said as he sat down on my bed

"Yeah she is, she's the closest thing I have to a mum so."

"What happened to your real mum?"

I sat there wondering if I actually wanted to tell him about my parents.
"Sorry, you don't have to tell me I was just curious."

"No cal, it's fine really. my parents both died in an accident a few years ago, so I moved here to live with my nan."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's fine, I've moved on. I mean obviously I miss them but I'm ok."

"Aww Mace, I really am sorry." He said pulling me closer to him and giving me a hug. I laid my head down on his shoulder when my door opened and nan came in with a plate of food.

"You ok sweetie?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, thanks for the food."

"No worries, I'll give you two some space." She said closing the door again behind her as she left.

"So, what should we watch" I picked up the remote and threw it at Calum.


Calum left a few hours later, saying he had to leave because his mum wanted him home for dinner.

My nan asked a bit about him over dinner before I told her I was going back up to my room for the rest of the night. as I jumped into bed ready to start my gossip girl marathon I got a text from Luke.

From- Luke: hey mace :)
From- Macy: hey lucas ;)
From-Luke: I have something to ask you
From- Macy: go ahead :)
From- luke: what are you doing on Friday night?
From- Macy: nothing, why?
From- luke: great :) I'm picking you up at 7, wear something pretty ;)
From- Macy: what are you planning hemmings?
From- Luke: you'll see ;) x

(a/n: I'm so undecided between Luke and Calum, pls comment who you think)

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