You Are The Only Lead

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It was 3o clock at night. You suddenly woke up because of a bad dream. You tried sleeping again but something wouldn't let you sleep.

MC/you - "I should check my phone"

you take out the phone from your purse and check if there's any messages. There weren't any until you came online

*phone chats*

??? - "hii MC, I see you are online"

You - "yea I am, what are you doing this late? you hackers don't sleep?"

??? - "sleep? that's not meant for me. But how about you? why are you awake?"

You - "every human needs sleep but i dont know about hackers though cause they are computers I guess, right? and I am awake cause um cause think of me as a hacker too but I hack hearts not devices"

??? - "haha right"

You - "hey hacker guy, can I ask you something?

??? - "Yes, only if its not about my personal information."

You - "what makes you think I can help find Hannah?"

??? - "because I know you and I trust you"

You - "you know me? how? now just tell me, who are you?"

??? - "I will tell you everything MC, once the right time comes. I will talk to you later :)"

(after saying that he went offline)

You - "but wait. you cant leave me here like this. at least tell me your name you hacker."

You were so surprised after knowing that and you wanted to find out more about him.


You - "guess my sleep is back."

you log off the phone and get back to sleep.

                                             ~THE NEXT DAY~

*alarm rings*

 wakes up and the first thing you did was checking your phone. As expected, there were new messages waiting for you. you were happy to see "???" messaged you but those texts were not something you wanted 

 *texts "???" sent you*

??? - "we should not waste anymore time and start finding Hannah. when you come online lets start our investigation"

you are now online and ??? comes online too

*phone chats*

??? - "hii MC, as you are online lets begin our investigation"

you - "its not possible now, I gotta go to the office and I have other work to do too. I will help you but not now. Maybe in the evening when I get home I will try to help"

??? - "finding Hannah is more important MC and we don't have any time to waste. you will have to start the investigation with me right now"

you - "what am I even supposed to do? If it was so important then why don't you go n ask the cops to investigate?"

??? - "you should know, me and cops don't get along together very well and right now you are the only lead, you just have to trust me."

you - "I understand but why am I the only lead? and you also said that you know me, who are you? Please tell me."

??? - "I will only tell you one thing, you have saved my life once before."

you - "what? how? and what does that have to do with finding Hannah?"

??? - "because I trust you and I know  that you won't betray me"

you - "right, nice excuse hacker guy, so why don't you tell me your name?"

??? - "no I can't  its for my own safety I cant  share my personal information"

you - "OK fine. Anyways, I am going to contact Hannah's friends."

??? - "good MC, you can talk to them and find out clues."

you - "what are you going to do?"

??? - "I am going to decrypt Hannah's cloud data and check her caller list of the day she disappeared"

You -"you are a hacker so you don't have to fear anyone, right?"

??? -"haha yea, do you know? you are the only one who could make me laugh"

You -"Aww really? why is it? you don't talk to anyone else?"

??? - "I used to but not anytime during recent years"

You - "oh man, how are can u even live like that? But don't worry now you got me ;) I will make you a little bit social."

??? - ":)"   "talk to you later MC"

*you both went offline*

you were smiling while talking to him and have forgotten that you have to go be ready for the office. You looked at the time and got to know that it was so late "oh my holy cow, I am so late! My boss is gonna kill me!". You hurried up and got ready asap and went to the office.

You entered the office and your boss asked " do you know what time it is?"

you - "yes boss, I'm so sorry I got late because I wasn't feeling well"

boss - "You should have taken a leave or informed me. You know right, joining late is strictly not allowed in our office, this is your first and last warning, Next time I see you coming late, We will have to suspend you."

you - "I'm sorry boss this will never happen again."

head down you walked towards your seat and started doing your work.

hey guys! if you like the story please leave a comment! Love y'all. <3

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