I'm Jake

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After reporting to the police station the cops asked you some questions that you managed to answer nicely  and when they checked your phone to see if there's any chat between you and the hacker, there were none, the chats were all erased between you and him, there was not enough proof against you to arrest you so the cops let you go. You knew it that the hacker saved you by destroying all the proofs. 

"so he did keep his promise. he is so cool."

you were so angry and mad at Lilly, you wanted to punch her on her face

*phone chats*

You - "Lilly, you know what you did? you made the hacker get into trouble, you are so annoying."

Lilly - "how you like that? U deserve it hah"

You - "U STUPID BITCH! you will know the consequences of your stupid actions soon."

Lilly - "are you threatening me? so this wasn't enough for you right? I think I will have to go to the cops again with these chats showing you threatening me."

You - "You know what bitch, this time it will be me who is going to report you to the police. I am going to file a case against you blackmailing me and making fake accusations on me. It's like you are trying to hide your crime by drawing all the attention on me and the hacker, Isn't it true? I am going to end your stupid game soon U FUCKING ASSHOLE!"

 and you went offline.

The hacker was reading all these chats and he did something which made Lilly change her mind. The hacker told Lilly some things...

???(hacker) - "Lilly, enough with your actions! Now you need to know somethings which will change your mind and it's necessary." 

Lilly - "well well well, look who is talking to me, I think now you know the consequence of threatening me. and WHERE IS MY SISTER?"  

??? - "U r wrong Lilly it wasn't me who threatened you, it was the real kidnapper and you need to know some truth about me then you will know who I am."

Lilly - "Then tell me! Let me listen to your fake story."

 ??? - "My name is Jake, I am your and Hannah's half brother, that means your dad is my dad. Long back I used to talk to Hannah through facebook just to be in contact with my family. But she fell in love with me without knowing that I was her half brother. She also told me that she had feelings for me that's when I stopped talking to her."

Jake - "After all these years I saw a news about missing Hannah Donfort and that's when I started investigating more about it and came to know that it was my sister who went missing and I couldn't ignore it because I care about my family and I want to find her as much as you guys want. I am no stranger Lilly, I am your family accept me or not, believe me or not, I will find my sister!" 

After reading this, Lilly was shocked and she was feeling so wrong about her actions. Lilly started crying and she wanted to say sorry but she went offline. Lilly believed to what the hacker said only because she knew about a guy named Jake who used to talk to Hannah and Hannah used to tell everything about Jake to Lilly at that time. Only Jake, Hannah and Lilly knew about this thing, there was no way anyone else could know about Hannah's feelings for Jake when they used to talk, it all made sense and that's what made Lilly believe that it was the same guy Hannah used to talk to and everything he said was true. But she never knew that Jake is their half brother, that's what shocked her and made her realize that her actions were so wrong.

Soon after this, Lilly apologized to Jake and to You, she made everything good between you and Jake but she didn't tell you anything about what made her change her mind. 

*phone chats*

You - "I accept your apologies Lilly but it will take some time for me to get along well with you because if you should have listened to me then maybe we wouldn't have to waste so much time on this bullshit but anyways, what made you change your mind?"

Lilly - "Jake made me see the truth"

You - "Jake? who is that?"

Lilly - "that's the hacker you have been talking to."

You - "Wait you mean the hacker guy ???, his name is Jake? I mean wow, he was literally insisting on telling me his name and he told you? wow, I mean what magic did you do and what happened between you two?"

*Jake video calls you suddenly*

He was in a dark place, you could hardly see him but the computers and the machines were all bright and visible, u could only hear his talking. He was in a hurry and he told you everything he told Lilly and you were surprised too. But you were relieved to know the truth. He was in a rush and you understood that's because he was on a hiding and he contacted you only to tell the truth you needed to know. He cut the call immediately after telling you everything. 

Now you and Lilly knew everything about Jake. You and Lilly talked for a bit and solved everything between you both. And now you were going to do the investigation together but from the next day.

And you both went offline.

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