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You were video chatting with Lilly and the others, they were enjoying the party. You also talked to Hannah, she was doing so well and she wanted to meet you in person. You wanted to be with them so bad but it wasn't possible. After a while, you ended the call with them and went to check on Jake. The door was open, he was sitting in dark with his computer and devices on, doing something. You didn't want to interrupt his work so you decided to go back. You were bored and hungry

"I will make something for Jake and me"

you made some noodles and took some in a bowl for Jake, you walked to the bunker. This time the door was closed.

"Why did he close it? Is it because of me? I will knock anyway"

you knocked on the door. Jake came and opened it. 

You - "Hey Jake, umm I made some noodles and this is for you, you might be hungry right?."

Jake -  "Oh Thankyou so much MC, yeah my stomach was growling."

You - "So you eat it before it gets cold."

He grabbed the bowl gently 

Jake - "I will MC, love you."

and closed the door. It was like he was in a hurry, or he was trying to hide something.

You murmured, "Love you too".

Your POV

is he trying to hide something from me? why did he close the door soon after I checked on him? Why was he in a hurry? Or is it just my misunderstanding? Come on, he is a Hacker, he might be busy with something secret. I shouldn't worry.

you enjoyed a bowl full of hot spicy noodles while watching a comedy show. After some time, you received a call. It was Phil

*phone conversation*

You - "hey Phil. What's up"

Phil - "Hey MC, I just...wanted to talk a bit"

You - "Oh sure."

Phil - "You know we all wished if you were here with us. The party was good but I was expecting to see you.....you know.......you show up and give us a surprise.....but it didn't happen so I am sad."

You - "Aww Phil, are you drunk?"

Phil - "Yea just a bit"

You - "I am so sorry I couldn't join you all. I wished to be there, too but you know it's not possible Phil. And don't be sad yet, I could show up anytime so you better keep a drink ready for me 😆😉"

Phil - "Sure my dear, I will be waiting for you"

suddenly the call ended.

"Oh no, what happened"

Jake POV

It was the right time to end the call. This Phil, how dare he call her. I am going to kill him if he tries calling her again. 

Jake was so jealous and angry.

you thought Phil ended the call for some reason so you didn't call him back. It was late. You were in your room, sleepy. You heard a door slamming. You came out of the room and checked. It came from Jake's room. You ran towards there and asked 

"Jake is that you? Are you okay?"

"Yes, I am ok MC" he replied 

"okay Jake" you knew something was not right but you turned back and walked to your room suddenly two strong arms wrapped your waist and pulled you back

*gasp* "oh Jake"

he turned you to face him, the next thing you felt was his lips on yours, he kissed you so hard.

you did not want to think about anything else but the present. You both kissed each other without even catching a breath. His hands around your waist, your hands around his shoulder, and legs around his waist, he lifted you and took you to his bedroom, the kiss never stopped. He threw you on his bed.

Jake - "Let's have some fun."

You smiled, you could feel butterflies in your stomach. 

He bend down to kiss your neck, he bit your neck gently, you ran your hands on his black sexy hair, he got down slowly leaving a trail of kisses down your neck. He looked into your eyes, kinda wanting the permission to get rid of your top. You nodded and put your hands up, he pulled up your top and got rid of it. You were wearing a black sexy bra. He ran his hands over your breast slowly 

Jake - "sexy damn"

You - "what else did you expect" *you smirked*

You grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him towards your face, he bit your lips slowly. He sat up and slid off his shirt from top, he was so sexy, his muscular arms and sexy body made your eyes gleam. 

You - "Jake...you are so hot."

You ran your hands on his body, he came back to kiss your waist. He was tickling you. You smiled and rolled over. Jake smiled and pulled you towards him, now you were sitting on his lap with your legs around his hips. He ran his hands through your soft silky hair

Jake - "You are so beautiful MC" 

You - "Aww, I love you baby"

Jake - "I love you too. Only you."

Soon enough he made you feel the most luckiest when he got on top of you and took you to paradise. After, he kissed you on your forehead and wrapped his arms around you. You laid on his chest and felt so safe in his arms. It was so heavenly, the moments you both spent together this night, you would never forget this, he made you feel it all and you made him feel the same. You both felt each other's soul and body in yours and the feeling is so strong. The night was unforgettable and your love for each other grew unbreakable. 

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