I Love You

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You both reached home, got in and you locked the front door, Jake was looking all around your house, he was kinda worried. You knew he was nervous so you gave him a glass of water and told him to sit down on the couch. 

You - "Don't worry Jake, I promise you this is gonna be the safest place on earth you could find, first you sit down, get your shoes off and relax, I will make something to eat."

Jake - "Thanks MC."

You - "No problem Jake, think you are in your home."

You switched on the TV for Jake and went to make some food. Jake wasn't interested in watching TV so he switched it off and took out his laptop from his backpack. He was busy with his work when you came with the food. He was sitting on the couch with his laptop on his lap. He has removed his shoes and kept them on the shoe stand, you also noticed one thing, he finally removed his face mask and the hood, now you could see how his face looked like. When you came closer to him he looked at you, his beautiful green eyes were reminding you of emerald, he was so handsome, you were so surprised and happy. You handed him a plate full of delicious stuff

You - " here you go Jake, I made it by myself, Enjoy! and lemme know if it's bad lol😂"

Jake - "I'm sure it's delicious MC."

You - "So you finally removed your mask huh?"

Jake - "yea, I trust you so."

You - "You can always, Jake. Now let's eat before it gets cold."

Jake - "Yes."

Jake enjoyed each bite of the dish. You both finished eating soon and you went to the kitchen to wash the plates. Jake followed you and came to the kitchen with you

Jake - "Do you like me to help you?"

You - "Oh no Jake, I can do it myself, you must be so tired, maybe you should get some sleep."

Jake - "MC I know you are so happy to meet me and you want me to stay but I should get going, that's how I survive, I don't stay at a place for a long time, I am so sorry but I am going to leave soon and Thankyou for everything MC."

You were washing the plates and talking to him

You - "Jake, did you ever live in a house?"

Jake - "Yes, when I was small, I used to live with my mom."

You - "You don't have to leave Jake, now this your home, you no more have to travel every time. Trust me you are gonna love it here."

Jake - "No MC, if I stay here the cops are gonna arrest me anytime. They will find out that you are helping me hide here, I don't wanna get you in trouble."

You finished washing the plates and now you grabbed Jake's hand and told him to follow you

You - "Jake I wanna show you something. Just follow me."

Jake - "okay MC"

you took him to your basement which was filled with old stuff, you pushed some stuff away and made a way Jake was helping you too. The basement's walls were made of cement and bricks, nothing could easily break them, they were so strong, you walked near one of the walls and pushed it stronger, there was a small door in that wall which opens into a big room. no one could easily say that there's a big room behind one of the walls. Jake was surprised to see that

You - "come on Jake, Take a look at this."

Jake and you entered the room. It was dark and dusty, spider webs were everywhere. Jake switched on the flash of his phone and looked around everywhere.

You - "This house is so old, I bought it from a really old man who used to live here alone, he never mentioned anything about this secret room here but one day I was cleaning the basement and I accidentally fell over this door, that's how it opened and I found this room and that's how I broke my elbow. At first, I creeped out and thought this house is haunted and this room was no good. So I talked to the old man about it and he told me, this is a secret bunker, his grandfather used to do some illegal stuff here. After his grandpa died, this bunker was of no use to him so he closed the bunker and kinda kept it a secret so barely anyone knows about it. So this is not haunted or anything so what do you think Jake?

Jake - "This is so cool MC, I never thought this...."

You - "so we can clean this bunker and you can make this your hacking office haha😂"

You - "You don't have to be homeless anymore because you are home Jake, this will be the safest place, what do you say? 

Jake took some time to think about it and he finally decides

Jake - "I love this MC, gotta say, I am home."

You were so happy to hear that, it was like you won the whole world, Jake agreed to stay there but he told you that if in any case, the situation will get worse then he will leave and he could even leave without telling you, you agreed to him because it was about his and your safety so you could not stop him doing that.

It was late at night, you were so sleepy and Jake was tired but he was still so energetic to do his work. You and Jake decided to do the cleaning the next day. You took Jake to one of the rooms

You - "This is gonna be your room Jake, you can sleep and stay here when you don't feel like staying in the bunker, this is the bathroom, this is the closet you can keep your clothes and stuff here, by the way, do you have any clothes?"

Jake - "No, I lost it all when I was running away from my pursuers."

You - "Oh God that's so bad, but don't worry, I will get you some clothes tomorrow now you get some sleep, Jake."

you were making the bed for him, when you turned back Jake was standing so close to you, he held your hands, looked into your eyes, and asked.

Jake - "why are you doing all this MC?"

Your heart was beating faster, you could feel the blood rush in your veins, you didn't know how to speak, you stared back at his deep green eyes and said

You - "Because...because I LOVE YOU Jake."

There were tears in Jake's eyes. He grabbed your waist, pulled you closer to his chest, and kissed you. You were blushing but you kissed him back.

Jake - "I love you too MC. Now you are mine."

You - "and you are mine Jake."

Your happiness found a way to escape in form of tears, this was meant to be. You were now his gf. A handsome hacker's gf. Isn't it cool? Jake was feeling like the luckiest person in this world to deserve you. After all the lovey-dovey conversation  you both were still so shy to sleep together 

You - "I am so sleepy and you should get some sleep too. So good night, Jake. I love you."

Jake - "Good night MC, I love you too."

 you hugged him once again and came back to your room and slept. Jake did some surfing on his laptop and by midnight he slept too. 

Hope you guys like this part! If you like it then please leave a comment! Next part is gonna be more interesting! Love y'all

Good night guys!

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