You saved her

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"Ma'am? wake up." 

the cop woke you up from your sleep. 

You - "oh my god, what happened? did they find Hannah?!."

cop - "Follow me."

You - "okay"

you followed the cop and they took you to the hospital. you were taken to a room. 

The room had some machines which were blinking and beeping. A girl was lying on the bed near the machines, she was on IV fluids. Her hand had a fracture so it was bandaged. She looked so weak and sick. 

It was Hannah.

You were so surprised to see her, the moment you saw her, tears felt down from your eyes. It was coming from the feelings of happiness and victory in you. You will never forget this moment. 

cop - "you helped us save her."

said the cop with a smile. You turned and replied in relieved voice.

You - "I am so happy to finally find her sir."

cop - "not only you helped find Hannah, you also helped us catch one of the most wanted criminal of Duskwood."

You -"sir, can I know what happened to Hannah and who is that creepy man?"

cop - "The creepy man? His name is Calvin. He is a clever psychopath who kidnaps girls and make them do whatever he want by torturing them, he rapes them, he kills them, then he calls and blackmail their family for money and finally when he gets what he want then he get rid of the dead body in brutal ways. Hannah was just one of the victims. But at the right time you helped us save her and arrest that bastard. Now his game is over."

You - "But he was in Duskwood right? He came here and tried to kidnap me, Why would he do that?"

cop - "Calvin is a very clever man. Whenever he kidnaps some girl, he follows and watch that girl's family and friends to keep record of what they are doing. He can also hack and get all the personal information and stuff from their phones. So he was keeping a track of Hannah's friends and he found them chatting to you and trying to find Hannah, which made him alert so first he called Lilly and threatened to stop the investigation but you people ignored that and carried on so he came up with a plan of kidnapping you."

You - "oh my god, he came here all the way from Duskwood to kidnap me, I was luckily able to fight him and make all his dirty game come to an end. Coming here to kidnap me was his biggest mistake. But where was Hannah? How did the cops find her?"

cop - "Soon after we arrested him, he was taken for questioning, we had to use some of our techniques to make him spill the tea. He bought Hannah with him when he came here. He luckily succeeded coming here by road, driving all the way from duskwood with a girl in his car trunk. After reaching here he chose an abandoned house which had a bunker near the woods where no one goes and he kept Hannah locked in there and came to get you too but indeed, it was his biggest mistake."

You - "What a horrible man."

You and the cop talked for a bit about the incident and soon one doctor came with some reports. You and the cop were asked to go outside. After sometime an order came to take Hannah back to Duskwood. No one knew that Hannah have been found and the criminal have been arrested. The cops were planning to tell the news after taking Hannah back to Duskwood and firstly informing her family. You were taken to the station again for writing the report about the incident, soon after that, the cops said you can go home."

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