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Two days passed by. You were waiting for Jake's reply plus you were drowning in your office work. Your boss gave you a big responsibility. He told you to design something for the upcoming meeting with some big dealerships which would make a lots of asset to the company. You forgot about everything else and started working on your new project. The meeting was scheduled for next week. 

The day came when you had to show your design to the dealerships, you checked everything twice and saved the design in a safe folder on your computer, the meeting was about to start, you left the computer on  and rushed to use the restroom, you were so excited to present your design, you came back from the restroom and uploaded the folder to the pendrive. It was time for the meeting. Everything was set, the meeting has started, you opened the folder to show the design but your design was not there. You got shocked and your boss got disappointed, you did everything to find  your design but it  was gone. The dealers got angry at the boss for wasting their time and they canceled the big deal. You were so sad and scared, you didn't have any idea what happened to your design, you wished if Jake was their to solve this problem but it was your unlucky day. 

You were checking your computer in your seat and your boss came and talked to you in front of everyone 

Boss - "Do you know the consequence of what you did today MC?"

You - "I am so sorry boss, I swear I saved my design here in this folder I dont know what happened, please forgive me."

Boss - "do you know, because of you, today those dealers insulted me, because of you, the big deal got cancelled, because of you our company is on a big loss, YOU ARE A LIABALITY, I dont wanna listen to any other excuses, I am going to give you the result of your action. YOU ARE FIRED!"

You - "no please don't fire me boss, please, I beg you, I am so sorry boss, It's just a misunderstanding, I promise I will make things right. Please boss."

 You begged and cried for some mercy. You needed this job to survive. But your boss didn't listen a word and he told you to get out. You packed up your stuff and got out, You were broken and had no idea what to do and what happened to your design, you wanted to prove your innocence. 

You got home and cried a lot thinking about how you got insulted in front of everyone and how you got fired. You told this to Jessy and Lilly, both of them helped you to be calm and  they also invited you to duskwood to hype you up. Lilly told you that she will help you find another job soon. 

After somedays you got a job in one of the restaurants in your city. You were so happy about it because getting a job was so hard at that time and you needed a job so bad to pay all the bills and to live a normal life. You informed this good news to Lilly, Jessy and everyone else. They were all so happy to know it. 

You were working as a waitress in that restaurant. You had to take orders and keep food on the table. It was a hardworking job but you were getting enough salary so you were happily doing it. 

In between whenever you got time, you checked if there's any messages from Jake. But there were none. He was still offline. You used to check on him regularly for any updates but each time you get sad seeing him offline. You were getting worried that what if his pursuers got him? what if he will never reply to me ever again? all these scary thoughts went through your mind and you decided to do something!

You discussed this with the group chat and asked them to help you. So you all came up with this idea of creating fake accounts and profile IDs named Jake and  making several videos saying that I AM JAKE. And by posting it on social media you were going to confuse his pursuers. Soon your plan got success and many people joined this #IAMJAKE movement by creating fake IDs and videos stating they are Jake.

You were so happy to atleast help  him like that but he was still offline and you were so worried about him but there was some hope in you which made you feel that he is ok and he will come back soon.  

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