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It's 5 am. Jake woke up and did his morning routine. He came to check on you, you were cocooned in your bedsheet and sleeping. He smiled and silently left the room. Then he went to his room and opened his laptop to do his work. Time went by and you woke up at 7 am. You did your mourning routine and went to check on Jake. When you went there his door was open, he was sitting on his bed, lost in his laptop, you knocked on the door and said "Good morning Jake." Jake suddenly came back in the reality and saw you

Jake - "Good morning MC"

You - "So you wake up early every morning? Or wait, did you even sleep?🤨" 

Jake - "Oh yes I slept nicely MC. And yea I am used to waking up early."

You - "Okaaaay. So would you like to drink some coffee?" Jake - "oh yes sure, MC" he smiled.

You - "Okie."

You went to the kitchen and made some coffee. Jake switched off his laptop and came to the kitchen. You handed him a hot cup of coffee and grabbed one for yourself. 

You - "So, how do you feel?"

Jake - "what do you mean?"

You - "I mean sleeping in a house and....uh you know.....this all must be so different for you...I hope you like it here."

Jake - "Yes it's all just so different for me MC, I just need some time to you cope up with the environment and get used to this place.....but I am so happy to be able to stay with you baby."

You - "Awww Jake...did you me baby?.....aww"

*Jake thinking*

sHIT jAKE, what did you do but Is she okay with it, yeah seems like she is, cool good job Jake.

 You were screaming with excitement inside, you were feeling so lucky. You were blushing and looking at Jake

You - "Baby."

You called him baby too. He came closer to you and kissed you on your lips. You pulled yourself back before the kiss got intense. You looked at the clock and said

You - "Shit, Jake I'm gonna be late for work, I should go be ready."

Jake - "Ok MC, go get ready."

You went and got ready soon. You were looking so pretty. You asked Jake to eat whatever he want from the kitchen and to stay safe. You gave him one key to your house, you both hugged and then you left. 

Jake decided to clean the bunker by himself, so he started cleaning it, he was also keeping a track of you through his phone. He first cleaned the room very well and made it dustless then he took some old furniture from the basement, cleaned them, and arranged them in his bunker room. Then he set his laptop on the table in the bunker. He was still lacking so much stuff that he needed for his hacking so he decided to go and get them. It was almost evening, he left a message for you and left the house to get all the stuff he needed.

Your work shift was done. You came back home excited to see Jake. You noticed the door was locked so you opened it with the key, got in and looked for Jake everywhere, he wasn't home, you were getting worried😨, you thought he'll probably be in the bunker so when you went to check there, the bunker was all cleaned and some furniture were kept there, the room looked so good, you were surprised to see that, you knew it was Jake's work. But you were so worried about him, you checked for his shoes and backpack and it wasn't there so you decided to check your phone and indeed there were messages from Jake.

*phone texts*

Jake - "Don't worry about me MC, I need to get some of my important stuff and some clothes so I left the house. I will get back in a day or two. I hope you saw the bunker, did you like it?:)"

You - "Jake you really scared me. But I won't blame you, you might need all your stuff, right? And I saw the bunker, It looks so good man, I never thought you could do such good cleaning haha🤣🤣."

You - "Be safe Jake and get back soon. I  love you"

there were other messages from Jessy and the others. You caught up with everyone and talked to them for a bit

*group chat*

You - "hii everyone! hope you all are doing fine."

Jessy - "Hii MC!!!! I missed you! where were you?? are you ok??"

You - "awww I missed you too Jess Trust me I'm doing great, I have been lil bit busy😅 work and stuff so didn't get time to text you sorry girl, how are you though."

Jessy - "I am good MC, I was worried about you."

You - "Awww Jess❤❤."

You - "so how is Hannah?"

Jessy - "Oh she is discharged from the hospital! and doing great, she wanna meet you."

Jessy - "This weekend we are gonna have a party to celebrate Hannah's coming back. We would like you to join too MC, will you come?"

Thomas - "Yea, we want you to join us MC, please"

Dan - "I can come and pick you up if you want."

Richy - "Yea I can give Dan a company in that and also meet you too"

Dan - "Oh come on Richy, you don't have to do that, really"

Richy - "but I would like to come with you to pick her up"

Dan - "I won't let you in my car you stupid"

Richy - "Fine! then I will go pick her up on my own"

Dan - "You sure she will join you?"

 Richy - "Yes! she will join me for sure rather than getting in a car with a dumbass like you"

Jessy - "Guys stop, Don't start it again ughh🙄"

Dan - "MC tell us, will you join him? or me?"

You - "Awww you both sound so gay, go get a room🤣"

Jessy - "🤣🤣🤣"

Dan - "Oh come on 😑😑 I will go do my work, That'll be better."

Richy - "MC we were not expecting that😐😐. Anyways, I will go feed my fish. Adios"

Jessy - "That's a better way to make them stop fighting bahahahaha 🤣🤣"

Cleo - "Hahaha, you are so funny MC, I would like you to join our party, I wanna make cupcakes for you, please don't say no."

You - "I will think about it guys, if I'll be free then I would surely come."

Lilly - "Hii MC! Oh, I hope you'll join us for this weekend."

Lilly - "by the way Jessy and Cleo, we gotta go do some shopping for the weekend, so tell me when you guys get free."

Jessy - "I am free Lilly, how about you Cleo?"

Cleo - "Sure, I am free too, so let's go?"

Lilly - "Yes! I will pick you guys up, stay ready."

You - "So you guys enjoy! Imma go do some movie surfing haha. Bye everyone!😘❤"

Jessy - "Bye girls!😘"

Lilly - "Byeee!🥰"

Cleo - "see ya!❤"

And everyone went offline.

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