Chapter 3 - The Colour Mavro

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Mavro or μαύρο: Greek word for Black

We traversed into a part of town that was hilly and had trees entwined like dancers embracing each other intimately

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We traversed into a part of town that was hilly and had trees entwined like dancers embracing each other intimately. As we drove further out of the suburbs I spotted in the distance, the overwhelming silhouette of Mavros' Mansion. The moonlight bounced off its arched windows making this half-gothic and half-modern dwelling appear surprised to see me coming. The top floor was embellished with a series of decorative columns, and sculptural mouldings of leaves wove around the colonnades. Parts of the structure had sharp-pointed arches while the lower storey, while still beautiful, was engulfed by creeping ivy over its boxy design. Years ago, this modern touch used to look ridiculous, like it was part of a different building because it stuck out like a large blemish on someone's face. It was bare and vulnerable to criticism, mainly my criticism. This had something to do with Mrs Mavros wanting to build an indoor pool and have a more comfortable, and practical living space. Imagine living in a castle and spoiling it with modernity.

There was one thing new about the mansion. I mean, other than the lack of care for a garden now converted into a spooky wilderness...

There was a large bluestone wall with an iron gate blocking us out. I remembered those grand gardens looking stunningly inviting. You were welcomed by isles of roses along the rocky path and greeted by the fountain with statues of playful Naiads. When had they built this wall and why withhold its beauty from the public eye?

Then a more daunting thought came to mind. If this wall had recently been put in place then it meant the family still lived on the property. How could I go up and knock on his door after all these years? How could I knock on the door and explain that my sister might be in your house, may I please search it? I shuddered. What could be more mortifying?

'I don't see any lights on,' I said nervously. Why? Why of all places did Arianna have to come here? I gave her one last call.

Hi there, this is Arianna! No one calls anymore...

Just text me!

'I would if you ever answered your fucking messages,' I hissed through clenched teeth and clenched my eyes shut ready for the humiliating pain awaiting behind those gates. I wanted nothing more than for someone to pluck me from Giannis' car and fling me skywards into oblivion. I was doomed. After tonight, that was it, I know I've already said, but I am not staying another night here. If this night goes worse than even I'm anticipating then I may never be able to come back, which won't be a total loss. 'I'm going to die.'

'Afraid of ghosts?' Giannis said teasingly. 'People say the Mavros Mansion is filled with demons.' His fingers tickled my side and I smacked his hand away. Hard enough that he shook it as he brought it back to the steering wheel. 'Oof, relax. I'll protect you.'

I waved my hand over his body and then back up at his smug and mildly confused face. 'I'm not in the mood for this,' I said. 'My sister is missing, and I get you're doing me a favour, whatever. But I'm going to stress again that my sister is missing and I do not care what your expectations are after this. Once I find her I will be going home with her and you will be going back to the bar or Penthouse or wherever it is you horny gremlins go.'

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