Chapter 13 - An Alpha Male

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Giannis threw on some fangs – thick plastic ones that cut into his gums – then dragged on a cape over a white T-shirt paired with cropped jeans. With a nod at his reflection and a quick flex of his bicep, he called it a night. Lucky had planned the first Halloween party in town and Lucky's first real party ever. Giannis had been the guy in class who held many gatherings since the start of high school, so to have this sudden change in the system... Well, it just didn't sit right with Giannis that was for sure. People talked about it at school as if they were about to witness a meteor shower or got to stay the night with a glamourous superstar. There was nothing special about Lucky, nothing he could see. Sure, Lucky had shown up to a few of Giannis' own parties at his comfortable bungalow and the two young boys were kind of friends, or at least part of the same friendship group at school.

In that environment though, he was still the same awkward and weak boy who broke the rules of double-dog dare and lagged behind the rest of the boys in P.E. class. He never had anything interesting to say to the group. The only time Giannis had ever seen him talk so much was when it was to the Drakos sisters. Why they had any interest in him was beyond him too.

All of a sudden Lucky plans a costume party at his big fancy mansion and everyone is climbing over each other to get to know this new confident Lycius Mavros. He who made fancy invitations with calligraphy or whatever. Who makes invites on burnt paper? Giannis didn't get it. He didn't get why Rhea's cheeks burned red when Lucky handed her the envelope. He couldn't understand why any of the girls blushed and succumbed to some girly stupidity when they each received a letter with a wax stamp.

Maybe it was because no one had ever seen Lucky's house...

Unless you include spying on it from afar across the ocean of trees. Or shyly walked past its gates to peek inside through its menacing iron bars. Like the Mavros family, it existed on the outskirts of town like a weed in a rose bush.

Giannis had never thought about it before, how little he knew about Lycius and his family. He just called him Lucky because he hated how much grander the name sounded on people's tongues. It was the smooth sound of a snake moving through the reeds. So, Giannis invited him to all his parties, learned what he could and used his presence to lure Rhea to his house.

Ignoring the fact that Giannis had only started inviting them both to things when Rhea had doubled in cup size...

And when she did come around to one of Giannis' glorious parties she acted like a snotty little bookworm. Found a corner in the room and barely left it. Her friend Martha was more tolerable and joined the party, even Lucky had learnt how to be fun even if he did back out of dares and wimped out when Giannis had stolen a bong from his older brother's room.

He thought having a costume party was a stupid idea and that no one would take it seriously so naturally, he encouraged Lucky's laughable idea.

The shock of his friends' costumes left Giannis speechless – and that is a true wonderment in itself – when he entered through the grand oak and iron doors of Mavros Manor. Everyone from their year level, and under, was there. Some dressed as soldiers, some as pirates, one as a sea-monster-thing, most of the girls banded together to be fairies, and then there were his friends dressed as zombies with fake blood dripping from their mouths. To his astonishment, everyone had gotten into the Halloween spirit. Everyone except Rhea and Lycius who hadn't appeared yet.

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