Chapter 29 - Where my Demons Hide

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In my defence, I wasn't thinking straight because I'm not straight

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In my defence, I wasn't thinking straight because I'm not straight.

I waited. It was hitting one in the morning, and he still hadn't come around. Calix would be in bed by now unless he and Lycius were caught in another examination. Ridiculous, what could have happened in the last hour? I didn't want to rush him, but dread suddenly grew heavy and cold in my gut. There couldn't have been a mix-up, ten meant ten minutes. Maybe he misheard me even though his hearing was ten times better than mine. I hesitated as I reached for the doorknob. The crystal was on my vanity as its pinkish light burned noticeably brighter. I tucked it into my skirt pocket, feeling its aura cast a cloak on my body and left the bedroom to find him.

All night I couldn't help but feel something was terribly wrong. As I marched hesitantly from the east to the west of the house I called for him. I even paused at the grand stairs, the centre of the house and called out his name again in case he was somewhere downstairs distracted with something. With no answer my iron gut weakened and a flood of uncertainty seeped its way into my mind. I trailed further into the west wing,

'Divine Hekate,' I whispered. 'Help me help him.' I knocked on the door of the study and I cracked it open seeing it was not lit and found no violet source of life inside. Gods, I hoped the wolves were put to bed. Calix would have done it. He was competent enough not to let the Coco incident happen again. I crept past Calix's door and moved to the stairs of the tower. I took them two at a time with an anxious impatience. The crystal throbbed forcefully in my pocket and something hard cracked under my boot. I yelped and looked down to see it was only Lycius' phone, but I couldn't 't believe that crack in the screen was from me, not with a puncture through its solid body.

I gazed up at the scratched-up doors to his bedroom. Why did they suddenly look more menacing tonight?

'Lycius?' I said short of breath. The door creaked open of its own accord and a squeak escaped me. Since I had arrived, I had never seen the inside of his room. It was unlit and had books littered on the floor and worn-out furniture. That was all fine and sweet but what disarmed me were the chains at the far end of the bedroom by an open window. They were locked to the floor next to a similar antique canopy bed to mine, only this was tucked tightly away in the corner furthest from the door. Lycius was squirming on the floor with the chains trying to adjust them on his wrists. His whole body tensed as I trod forward making the floorboards creak. Noticing the flinch, I froze, my hand caught on the handle and my breathing uneven. His back was to me, his spine seeming too defined under his tight t-shirt, as he was knelt on the ground and hunching over the chains.

'You shouldn't be here,' he said, his voice was soft that I almost missed it.

'I'm sorry. I thought you were hurt.'

'I have one rule I want you to respect. What did you come here for?'

'We were supposed to read together.'

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