Chapter 35 - Lycius Mavros

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Lyicus woke up abruptly, the sunlight shone gold slashes through the parted curtains in his eyes

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Lyicus woke up abruptly, the sunlight shone gold slashes through the parted curtains in his eyes. A hand gripped his arm for dear life and he turned surprised to see his mother.

'Mum?' he said breathlessly. A sharp stabbing pain erupted in his chest he moved to the edge of the bed.

'Rest, rest, Lycius you're surviving gun wounds okay, but Calix has treated them and there's some remaining trauma in the muscle--' her voice cracked and she let out a loud moan like that of a whimpering chihuahua in distress and started sobbing. 'I'm sorry, I thought—' she started fanning her face though she noticeably hadn't started crying yet. Lycius grabbed her hands in his and pleaded for her to calm down.

'Where's Rhea?' he asked, and he shook his head in disbelief at the dream he had. The memory of the beast that had taken over. 'I think she ate me.'

'You'll have to talk to Calix about it because I don't fully understand what happened.' Lycius rushed quickly to the wardrobe and then realised he wasn't in his own room and in Calix's bedroom. Alright, he would have to settle with his striped pyjama pants and marched quickly out of there. He was soon humbled by the wave of weakness that washed over him and the black dots threatening to expand in his vision and he caught himself against a pillar and leaned against it. His mother called out behind him, but he kept moving throughout the house blindly shouting for Rhea and Calix. Events of the night started to torment his memory, but it was all in disorder, there was Giannis who was shooting at him, and then there was the image of him slipping through the throat of the night sky, sharp teeth carefully avoiding his body as he fell into the void.

Oh god, he thought he was going to be sick, but he marched on.

'Lycius! Lycius! She's not here!' his mother said by the time he was in the parlour. He turned on her and immediately got emotional.

'Where is she?' he peered out behind her at the very clear ballroom, he remembered the blood, the bodies... 'Where are the wolves?' His mother shook her head and curled her lips in. Lycius felt his chest concave into itself and ran his hands through his greasy hair. 'No. No.'

Iris wiped a tear away and pulled a hanky from her blouse pocket. 'Rhea took one for the team.'

'What does that mean? Where is she? Where is Calix?' he said trying not to snap.

'He'll be back in a couple of hours.' She sniffled. 'He'll be able to explain it better than I can.'

Lycius grabbed her by the shoulders trying not to be forceful but visibly frustrated. 'Just run through the basics. Please, it's going to drive me insane.' Iris calmed him down and made him sit down on the couch opposite her. She twiddled her thumbs and cleared her through trying to find the right words to begin. Every second that passed was a year robbed from his lifespan, or so he felt at least. He looked over at the pile of paintings, the easel and art tools left untouched. She had to come back for those, this thought relaxed him for the moment.

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