Chapter 4 - The Wolves Descend

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Hello lovely readers,

So, to avoid confusion I'm going to have that every memory that is in Lycius' POV (or third person) will start in Italics but will not be completely in italics because I know how annoying it can be to read. Like right now. lmao. I'll have the first three words in italics to signal MEMORY TIME!

Anyway, enjoy. Xx

Rhea and Lycius gazed at each other across the schoolyard

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Rhea and Lycius gazed at each other across the schoolyard. Rhea's silver eyes were lined in black liner that was smudged — rather than blended — around the sharp thick wing she had drawn on. If it weren't for her sunkissed skin she would have practically been a shadow on that bench near the basketball court. The trees seemed to want to lean towards her and overhead there were dark clouds rolling in. He wondered if she attracted darkness and gloom in all its forms or whether this was just a coincidence.

Rhea made a face at him, one that read playful revulsion before she gazed back at the concrete court to watch her friends play. Lycius swallowed the lump in his throat and when no one was looking he walked over to sit on the opposite side of the seat. The metal was ice against his legs and he felt his foot tapping nervously even when he was facing the chainlink fence rather than the court. He didn't want to arouse suspicion from the girls playing. They all talked too much and it would all come back to bite him.

'How are your eyes?' he asked.

'Why?' she said giving him the side-eye.

'You're squinting a lot. Is it all the makeup?'

'Don't be such a boy,' she said irritated. 'My eyes are fine.'

'You're lying.'

She scowled. 'It's just too bright out here.'

'Why don't you sit inside then?'

'Mrs Willis kicked me out. She's an old bitch.'

'Takes one to know one.'

'TaKeS oNe tO kNoW OnE, are you ten?'

'Eleven in March,' he said smugly back. 'Do they hurt?'

'No.' She huffed.

He kicked his legs over the bench and scooched closer to her. Her face scrunched up in agony. 'You're lyyyyying,' he sang.

'Get your fish breath out of my face.' She pushed his head away when he breathed on her again and groaned. 'Disgusting.'

'Go sit in the shade freak,' he grinned and pushed her head backward causing her to cry out exasperated. He laughed at her attracting attention from the girls and they all slowly stopped the game to watch. Her pink-haired friend Martha was heading their way meanwhile Rhea clutched onto his arm and dug her nails into his flesh hoping to hurt him, but he chuckled at her little furrowed brow.

She threw his arm away from her in defeat. 'Stop pretending that you care,' she said.

'I don't care,' he said quickly. 'Your sour face is ugly to look at. I thought you were trying to shit yourself.'

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