Chapter 32 - Unkind Resurrection

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With a hard tug in my chest, like something chewing me out from within, I gasped awake and coughed incessantly in the pit

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With a hard tug in my chest, like something chewing me out from within, I gasped awake and coughed incessantly in the pit. I rolled onto my back and pawed at the dirt covering my face, my fingers stiff and blue. They made a loud cracking sound as I went to pull a worm from my hair and gently dropped it somewhere next to me. I hissed as my skin prickled all over because of the blood rushing back into them. I felt like I could feel every beat and movement in my chest, every breath was an effort, and my heart was the worst of it. Then I tried sitting up and oh that was not a good move when the blood had only just started pumping again, I flopped back down after dark circles clouded my vision. I was incredibly weighted down in this physical body. My body, Gods, it was my body. It felt so bloody weak and pathetic as I waited for it to catch up with my whirling mind.

'Okay,' I whispered coarsely. My throat was so dry that I could taste the new saliva building up in my mouth. 'One more time.' The first win was keeping my head balanced on my shoulders, the second was getting into a kneeling position where I coughed up more dirt. When I conquered my legs and two feet I clawed out of the pit, it was not easy but dammit I had places to be. I didn't want to waste time in the grave. As I swung my arm over onto drier earth something wailed hysterically behind me and the ringing kicked me out of focus so I slipped and fell back down onto my back. I shuddered out a groan of pain and glared at the head peeking over the hole, a figure holding a shovel as a weapon. It was Martha and she looked like she had been crying her heart out.

'I thought you were dead!'

'I was,' I mumbled.

'A-are you a zombie now? Did Giannis kill you?' she said holding the shovel up higher as if she was going to bat in the face if I dared another climb.

I cackled which threw me into another coughing fit. 'I don't think I have the strength for this...' But I didn't have much time left. 'Please don't bash my head in again.' I pulled myself out with the help of Martha in the end once she realised I wouldn't  be eating her brains any time soon. She grabbed my weak arms and dragged me out leaving me half dangling. I collapsed on my aching lungs and Martha ran around to lift my legs out of the grave.

'This is sick,' she said. 'And I mean it both ways.' I casually inspected my chest to see the wound that should be there had closed up and I had only ruined my t-shirt. I probably shouldn't have worn my favourite skirt as it was lathered in moistened soil, as were my fingernails. My skin was slowly darkening back from its pale blue tone as the blood began pumping again.

I gazed up at a nauseous best friend. 'Do I look any different?'

She tsked. 'You look insane.'

'What time is it?'

'About one.'

'Could you-could you help to stand please?' we both grunted as we tried to lift my heavy arse back onto my feet. I took the book and kicked away the shovel, I wouldn't be needing it for a while.

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