Chapter 21 - The Chase

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Getting anxious now, less than a month to go before the Wattys Deadline! AH!

Getting anxious now, less than a month to go before the Wattys Deadline! AH!

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Sunshine glared off the windows of the mansion. It brought the grand structure to life and made it seem as if it were staring me down—almost like it knew what I had done. I had driven straight back here feeling like there were dark clouds tailing the car, and when I'd check the mirrors or look out behind me it was simply overcast. Nothing nefarious, nothing excited to chase me...

Just me and my paranoia, and my remorse.

I met Calix at the gate and when he opened it for me I slowly rolled in and opened my window to talk to him. The words wouldn't reach past my throat. No power in seemed to surge at all. One of his gloved hand's clenched tight on the iron gate while his other hand pinched his popped hip. He looked like a very sassy leprechaun.

'I've got the wolves out, Rhea,' he said, 'keep moving.' I rolled up enough for him to close the entrance because I didn't have the courage to walk into the house yet. The hair on the back of my neck had sparked up and goosebumps rose on my arms and legs making me feel like a sensitive plucked chicken. Over to my right was Humphrey who stopped zooming for the tree line and paid close attention to me in the car.

'Calix,' I called out. He appeared in an instant with his hands on the car door. The little man looked weathered which didn't incite any good feelings about Lycius. 'How is he?'

'Oh, he's fine. He's in his study writing.'

My sunglasses slid down the bridge of my nose and I glared up from under my lashes. 'What's he writing about?'

'I don't know! Go ask him. Pfft. I'm not the boy's father, am I?' he paused as if waiting a reply. He cocked his head. 'What? No comment? No snide remark?' I pushed my sunglasses back up. 'Oh, you are upset. Don't worry yourself, Rhea. Lycius is fine. I promise. It's not the first time he's overdosed.'

'You mean this has happened before?' I said startled.

'I think it'd be better if he shared that with you instead.' He tapped his fingers on the car door. I waited for him to move away so I could head on in. The twiddling of his fingers was setting off a migraine. 'How long have you known Lycius?'

I raised my eyebrows surprised by the sudden interest. 'Since we were children. I can't think of the age, it kind of felt like we'd always known each other. You know?'

He tsked. 'I may be wrong, which wouldn't be a first, but I think your company might be good for him,' he said, though it seemed to induce great pains in his right eye as it twitched.

I was thankful I was wearing my sunglasses. I sniffled. 'Yeah?'

He examined me distastefully. 'You're not going to cry again, are you?'

'No!' I said my voice getting thick. 'It's my allergies, prick.'

'You better not, it's the last thing any of us need.' He backed away from the car and I muttered a curse as I started driving up along the winding path. Except I skirted off to the left of the house where the garage was and tried to take deep breaths to keep myself from breaking down again. Humphrey walked beside the car and waited patiently as I parked before he shadowed me through the house on all fours. In this position, he was about shoulder height, and he was unnervingly close to me that we might as well have been bumping shoulders. I reached out to pat his head, but he ducked away and growled warningly.

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