Chapter 26 - Unravelling

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Paul stopped me midway back to the dance floor and motioned for me to follow him behind the bar where the music was quietest

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Paul stopped me midway back to the dance floor and motioned for me to follow him behind the bar where the music was quietest. He wasn't pleased and when we got there his frown said it all.

'Rhea,' he said, hands on hips. 'I'm surprised at you.'

'What do you mean?'

'I saw what you did. You of all people know that is not acceptable behaviour.'

'It's one of his kinks,' I said.

'I don't care. I don't care much for you spending time with that other one either.'

'So that's what this is really about.'

'I warned you, and I warned him! I specifically instructed him not to transform in the club because his reaction to this stimulus is uncertain.' I gazed over at my sister on top of Lycius' big furry shoulders laughing as the other werewolves bounced off each other as their form of dance.

'Oh yeah he looks pretty stimulated,' I said.

'Rhea, what are you trying to do here? I've already told you it's dangerous. He's dangerous. He shouldn't be here but I feel sorry for you.'

'For me? What about him? Everyone is treating him as if he's some kind of convicted criminal. He hasn't done anything yet! He has a doctor that is helping to slow his condition.'

'I don't mean to be hard on either of you. I just know what it's like. I was the same as you and I-I want you to be prepared.'

'What happened to your cousin?' I pressed and felt guilty doing so but it was out there.

'He is under the care of the Darlings at their institute.'

'Where is that?'

'I-I don't know.' I shook my head in disbelief. He shrugged. 'No one does. They're very secretive about it. They don't want to cause panic for something that happens to a small number of people. And they supposedly have a lot of enemies that would love to use the wolves to their advantage. They're hidden for a reason.'

'Then how do you know he's safe?'

'I've seen the facility he is kept in. They give you a tour before you sign away your loved ones for good.'

'You mean you don't get to see them again?'

'Would you want to?' he said, and I felt it was so cold and awful of him to say it like that. I thought about the werewolves in Lycius' care and how gross and lovable they were. Even Coco who was absolutely feral!

'I'm going to the dance floor.'

Lycius noticed me squeeze through the throng of myths towards him and immediately went to remove Arianna from his shoulders. Like a rabid animal, once she was on the floor she zigzagged through the werewolves and disappeared. Lycius hovered his long mouth close to my ear and gently touched my arm.

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