Chapter 12 - View of Lycius Mavros/I see you

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Hi everyone! This painting is the "View of La Crescenza" 1649 by Claude Lorrain. It doesn't have an obvious relationship to this chapter, but I listened to the Bridgerton soundtrack as I wrote this chapter out and this painting came to mind... I just think it's really beautiful.

I hope you're all having a lovely week and if not I hope this chapter can at least bring some joy to your hour.

Before you read this, I'm going to ask you to put your phone down, go to the kitchen and get yourself a drink of water. You need to stay hydrated!

Don't forget to vote and comment Xx

Don't forget to vote and comment Xx

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Lycius was human again and it was unsettling. Despite the beautiful complexion, the smug smile, and being dressed head to toe in black... I couldn't seem to sit comfortably in the car ride next to him. Not when I felt like I was flushed all over and that something sinister was crawling under my skin. My mind and my body couldn't decide whether or not it was attracted to him in this new style, or absolutely appalled that he was able to transform back into himself all this time. Now I knew I was fabulous in my paint-stained jeans and baggy hoodie but felt frumpy compared to the silver jewellery and leather jacket set up. He was a mouth-watering sight that I couldn't stand to look at. And I was mad about it because it was the first time in the longest time that I felt inadequate and yet superior at the same time. Anger will do that. Maybe my period was due soon. All I knew was that I was mad. Beyond all reason...

Neither of us made much conversation while he drove through the slopes and winding streets of the suburbs. The light bouncing off the luxury bungalows transitioned to blocky concrete apartments until we reached one of the main shopping strips. It didn't click that we were driving in the wrong direction until I recognised my art supply shop.

He parked the car across from it. When he turned off the engine, I caught his knuckles burning white as he gripped the steering wheel. I had read that as a sign of his own anger, so I geared up for the fight and had the quips ready on the tip of my tongue.

Finally, he looked at me. 'Do you need to buy anything?'

'Um... Not really?' I said body pressed up against the door.

'Calix has the day off,' he said. Okay, that explains nothing. 'And I don't know how long I'll get to keep this body. So, if you need something, we're better off getting it now.'

My posture softened, I unbundled myself from my resentment and felt a weight being lifted. 'Do you trust me to drive your car if that does become an issue?' I said.

He hesitated. 'Yeah.'

Huh. 'How long do you normally have in this body?'

He hesitated again. 'Last time it was an hour.'

'How long ago was that?' I said sadly. Now feeling that puncture of guilt in my chest.

He shrugged nonchalantly. 'I don't remember.' His hands still clenched the wheel.

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