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the wind brushed past her hair, as she took a deep breathe in entering her wimbledon College of arts. her dream finally true! she had finally gained the orphanage scholarship and now she's here, in her dream collage. she giggled as she twirled around happily. oh also, the she we are talking about is ms.avneet kaur, kaur who dreams of being a artist. 

avneet made her way to the principals office, to collect her locker keys, and her timetable. she was so excited, as she would finally get a workplace of her own! if you must have seen art collages, everyone has a workplace of their own. where they create and nurture their artistic skills. she ought to make her workplace aesthetic and beautiful.  

the day went well, as avneet neatly arranged her workplace, she was all set to start her new happy life tomorrow. she sighed looking at her watch it was 8:30pm?! no way shes going to find herself a dorm at this time of night. 

"mom, could i please stay over at your house until i find myself a dorm?" avneet asks her nurse, who used to take care of her in the orphanage. she never really knew who her real mom was so it didnt matter. nurse olivia always took care and loved her more than her own daughter. "you dont need to ask avneet, your always welcome here. ill ophelia ask to make you a room, alright?" avneet could see her smiling from the other side. she knew how much her mom loved her. and who's ophelia? its her best friend! her moms daughter. Ophelia lost her dad at a young age, since then her mom, nurse olivia works in a orphanage. 

as avneet packed her back and was about to leave, she saw a figure working on a sculpture. she couldn't see who was making it, but boy! it looked so beautiful. 

her fascinated daze, took her towards the sculpture. there she saw a master piece. there was a hand, holding the pieces of a broken heart closer to each other. almost trying to make it back to normal. her heart clenched at the thought of how she could relate the the unknown mans pain so well.

"isnt it so weird? your art work literally is the reflection of what goes on in your mind. and art exhibitions? you show your whole inner emotions to people. i love how perfectly you conveyed your misery through the sculpture" she blurts. 

to that, a handsome young man look back at her. his hair covering his forehead, the sweat on his body shows for how long he had been working hard to make this specific piece of art. wait did i just say the sweat on his body? well yeah he's shirtless. avneet took a step back realizing the man was shirtless, she looked down at her feet to hide her flustered state. 

"avneet?" he said not trusting his eyes, "u-uh long time" she blushes.

so they already know each other? how? well the thing is siddharth was avneets high school crush. on ophelias 16th birthday party, she had invited all her friends, siddharth being one of them. ophelia teased avneet through out the party cuz why not? avneet crush was right there.  ophelia decided to set up her best friend with siddharth, she suggested everyone to play spin the bottle. and you guys know what happens yeah? the two people the bottle points to, have to kiss each other. and thats how avneet lost her first kiss to siddharth. but unfortunately, she never met siddharth again after that party. and why is that? its because it was his last year in high school! he was then in collage first year, when avneet was in the last year of high school. so yeah thats pretty much whatever happened between them. 

 "what are you doing here?" he asks her, "um i got into this collage, didnt know i'd see you here" she replied. well avneet no longer really had a crush on him anymore, she was matured now. and she may have gotten into some flings. "enjoying?" he asked smirking, ""excuse me-?" said avneet as she shot a look at him with one of her eyebrows up. he came near her and whispered in her ear "the view." "yeah the sculpture looks pretty beautiful" she gulps to which siddharth snickers. "huh?" avneet puts on a  confused face. 

"you're still the silly innocent girl avneet" he laughs. okay that hurt. she wanted to kill him right on the stop. like okay she was a blushing mess that one day but that doesn't mean shes the shy girl, she's matured now. "im not a silly innocent girl shut the fuck up" she gritted. she took a quick look of the time on her watch and said "anyways bye i need to go" 

she turned around to leave but was stopped, and pulled over on a hard muscular chest. "siddharth?" she knitted her eyebrows, her lips unconscionably forming a pout. "fuck, you're so cute avneet" he murmured. "leave my hand" she writhed. "aw look a silly innocent girl" he laughed, no he didn't wanna bully her but she was so cute when she was mad. "im not" she flared. "then prove it will you?" he smirked. avneet wasnt sure of this. sure she had some flings, friends with benefits or fuck buddies whatever you call that, but this was her long time crush, no scratch that ex-crush. "okay then, you didnt deny it" said sid in his husky dark voice

He tilted his head, his eyes flickering down to her lips as he closed the distance between them.
instantly, she felt flames bloom from the contact of his lips to the rest of her head and down her entire body to the tips of her toes. she knew this feeling was very different, the one she endeavored that one night two years ago.

her eyes fluttered closed and she relaxed, snaking a hand up to hold his neck as he kissed her more intensely. she hummed and parted her lips as the kiss became more urgent and intense. his left left her cheek and instead found her waist, pulling her close so she was flush against him. she used both hands to cup around his neck, to have a better access as he continued to kiss her hard.

"what are we doing?" she said stopping him. "friends with benefits? that's what everyone is into these days, and you surely are very pretty avneet" he said. that sent a pang to avneets's heart but she ignored it. with that she again sid ran his hands over avu's waist which made her shiver. his lips were soft and moist better than she expected. they were gentle yet firm as they moved against her lips, nipping and biting in a way that gave her goosebumps. 

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