twenty five

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Do you guys ever misspell love with live and vice versa? I know I do. Quite strange, isn't it? Love and life. That reminds me when our life, as infants, are very dependent on parental help. Love therefore has been a mechanism to promote the same parental support of children.

According to neurochemistry, neurotransmitters and neuropeptides are what love is, Testosterone, estrogen, dopamine, oxytocin, and vasopressin drive the feeling of what we call 'love'. Oxytocin and vasopressin are the hormones most closely associated with romantic love, effects the partner's preference and attachment behaviors. Testosterone and estrogen are produced during intimate moments. 

also, the biology of love might be very hard to understand. then again what exactly love is? i don't know. i'm probably not capable of answering this question either. But one thing that I have understood is,


For a child , it's a fairy tale.
For an old person , it's a solution to loneliness.
For the young , it's a profit or loss statement.
For a lover , it's the best thing that can ever happen.
For a love failure , it's an illogical meaningless emotion.
For a man , it's all about beauty.
For a woman , it's a commitment.
For a mother , it's a sacrifice.
For a father , it's the duty.
For a brother , it's power.
For a sister, it's safety.
For a nerd , it's a time waste.
For a pervert , it's a time-pass.
For a mathematician , it's a solution.
For a scientist , it's a discovery.
For a philosopher , it's a thought.

For siddharth, its avneet
For avneet, its siddharth

I define love in a single term, that's understanding. We measure life in terms of time, and giving your time to someone means giving that part of your life to that person! What else love can be if it's not spending time on knowing and understanding a person. It's always pleasurable having a person in life who truly understands us. Won't you agree? So I would like to suggest everyone to stop searching for it's meaning. Instead, define love in your own unique terms.

just the way siddharth finds happiness and love, in avneet's dimples and giggles. 
just the way avneet finds happiness and love, in  siddharth's lame jokes and smile

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