nineteen *♡

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the sun shone bright on the streets of Lucerne, with the cold winds giving the perfect vibes to the tourists. siddharth and avneet wandered around in the Lake Lucerne.

"you wanna get some dream-catchers? its the specialty here" siddharth asks avneet
"as if i can even sleep" avneet replies blunt.
"for our group" he rolled his eyes, he hated this cold wall between him and avneet.
"okay" she smiled.

"whoa" avneet exclaims as soon as she steps in the store. the store was filled with many beautiful kinds of dream catchers, each one radiating its own positivity. the air-freshener which had lingered around the store, relaxed her down.

"can we get for us too" avneet asks looking around. "i already told you before" he chuckles. she snapped her head towards his direction, to see him looking at the dream catchers on the other side. she felt her stomach do somersaults as she heard him chuckle, how much she missed his smile, his laugh.

she kept staring at him; his mouth slightly open, his tongue out, just like this habit. why cant she just go kiss him? she wanted to kiss him.

'fuck this, i cant handle this anymore. fuck ignoring each other, i wanna go back to what we were ' she says to herself. she didn't know what magic this place did to her, this place was indeed magical.

just then she heard a young lady ask siddharth "how may i help you?"
"bitch" avneet mumbled.

"i need some dream catchers, dark coloured ones?" he asked her.
"sure" she battled her eye lashes.
while avneet stood there burning in jealously.

"thankyou" siddharth said as the lady showed him the way. avneet went behind him.
"she was flirting with you" avneet said as soon as the lady left.
"huh? what?" siddharth was confused.
"stop acting innocent" avneet snarled.
"which one? the blue hair or the brunette?" he asked.
"how may i help you?" avneet mimicked the lady. siddharth just shrugged.

after all avneet's the only one who he wants. while, avneet was just astonished, how can siddharth not pay attention to anyone who is flirting with him.

(their room^^)

"here we are at Iglu-Dorf Davos, its a igloo resort, we sleep on ice, but dont worry it wont be that cold" jake said as everyone reached the new hotel.

it was a reckless idea, and she knew it. she brings up during the dinner, a so-called candlelit dinner.

"siddharth, you talked about closure and all yesterday right?" she asks him. his fork stopped in midair, "yeah..?" he was confused.

"i think we should have sex, one last time. for closure" avneet finally says it. we all very well know that she's lying but okay. she wants him, she misses him.

siddharth doesn't blink for about 15 sec, he finally blinks with a uncertainty in his eyes. he definitely didn't expect this from her.

"w-what-t?" he stammered.
"i said i think we should sleep together for closure. realize all the sexual frustration we have for each other. you wanna be friends right?" avneet presses on her point.

"really? you wanna have sex?" siddharth puts his fork down.

"yes" avneet replied shamelessly, "you want to?"

siddharth cheeks imitatively turn into the color of wine, "i mean..." he pauses "are you sure?"

"look at it as a break up sex, its a common thing because it works. like you said we ended so quickly, just see this as the last chapter of us" avneet puts her point.

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