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"happy valentines day beautiful" siddharth cooed in avneet's ear
"happy valentines day to you too handsome" she smiled back.

they kept staring at each other until avneet wrapped her hands around his neck, and pulled him into a hug, "we need to get ready avneet, get up now" siddharth caressed her hair.

"nooo i wanna sleep more" avneet whined.
"you dont wanna go to paris?" siddharth asked getting up still hugging avneet.
"no i wanna be with you and you only" she cuddles him sitting on his lap.
"if we dont get ready on time, jake will tell reem something. and then she'll tease us" siddharth smirked.
"what no" avneet immediately got up.
"good girl, now go get ready" siddharth ordered her.
"fine" she groans and goes to the washroom.

"siddharth" avneet called him sitting beside him in the bus. they were to travel to Paris from bus, for whole six hours.

"yes?" he replies looking into his phone.
"do you really love me?" avneet asks him
"yea of course, why are you even asking me that" he finally looks at her
"arent you supposed to hate me" avneet's eyes shimmered with tears.
"why would i ever hate you baby" he says, voice soft as possible.
"i hurted you so much, i made you cry" avneet bursts into tears. siddharth slowly pulls her and makes her sit on his lap, "ill never hate you no matter what okay?" he kisses her tears.

"and even i hurted, not only you. and promise me that neither any one of us will cry and think about our past again okay?" he kisses her all over her face.
"okay" she smiles through her tears, she forwards her pinky finger, "pinky promise" he smiles as he connects his finger with his.

he smiles to himself when he sees her fall asleep in his arms.

"where are you taking me?" asks a blind folded avneet.
"wait, and dont you fucking dare to remove this blindfold" siddharth said guiding her somewhere.

siddharth makes avneet sit on a chair, and goes to a lady standing near by.
"i need her to look the prettiest tonight, i dont care about anything else, and dont open her blindfold" siddharth warned the owner of the parlor.
"yes sir" she smiled at him.
"i've given you the outfit right?" he confirms again.
"yes sir" she again smiles.
"if anyone's lesbian in this parlor, dont let anyone come near here. understand?" said siddharth being possessive.
"dont worry sir" she laughs.

siddharth quickly pays a cheque and heads out of the parlor, so avneet could be ready.

"siddharth?" avneet calls out
"maam, sir has told us to pap you up" she says leading her to the changing room.
"what?" avneet blushes.
"please, dont remove the blindfold" she says.

"is she ready?" siddharth comes back to the parlor after three hours.
"yes sir" the same lady says.

"whoa" siddharth is left speechless once he sees avneet. she still had her blindfold on, but she looked pretty as ever.

 she still had her blindfold on, but she looked pretty as ever

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