twenty four ♡

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"avneeeeeeeet" siddharth shook a her, she was sleeping dead.
"fquc off" she mumbled.
"we have to go collage, come on" he shook her more. she kept on whined rolling away from him
"ill take you to starbucks now please wake up" he begged her.

she immediately looked at him, slowly opening her eyes, "pwomise?" she said cutely in her sleepy voice, "promise, now get up" he smiled at her.

"okay" she smiled more, and went to the bathroom like a obedient child.

meanwhile, siddharth ordered frappuccinos online for him and avneet.
"i've already ordered them, once we reach there, we'll just take and leave for office" he said yelling at the bathroom door, "aight" she yelled back.

"get out, i have to change" she says coming out with only a towel wrapped.
"no" siddharth lazily rolls his eyes, sprawled on her bed.
"argh" she goes to her closet.

"how do i look?" avneet asks coming out after a whole eternity.
"beautiful" he says without even actually looking at her.

"you didnt even look at me" she yelled
"everything you wear, you look beautiful baby" he kisses her cheeks.

"whatever" avneet rolls her eyes. whenever avneet wants to hide her blushing, she rolls her eyes, and siddharth very well knows it.

"wait a minute" avneet said as she looked up her phone, "what?" he asks her
"its only 7:00 wtf" she shows him the time
"yeah i know" he smiles at her
"our shift starts at 8:30am Mr. nigam" she grits though her teeth
"i know Mrs. nigam" he says pulling her close by her waist.

"wait what did you say?" avneet was redder than a tomato at this moment
"ab-a- ms kaur why?" he just quickly jogs down the stair.
"what did you say" avneet comes down behind him to see him wearing his shoes
"i said, we're getting late c'mon quickly" he says changing the topic
"its just 7:00 siddharth" avneet flops herself on the couch
"im taking you out on a coffee date c'mon" he pouts, avneet couldn't help but just blush.

"chalein?" he asks handing his hand out once she finished wearing her shoes. she gladly slides her hand into his. it sends shivers down her spine, when he kissed her hand behind the 'gentleman' he is.

"you know if it wasn't for your fashion sense, i'd never say yes to you" avneet said checking him out as he closed the main door. "oml, subha subha you're checking me out" siddharth fake gasped. "shut up" she smacked his arm.

siddharth slid his hands into hers, intertwined them as the head towards the Starbucks nearest them. they walked in silence hand in hand admiring the sun which shone over them, giving a soothing warmth, in the winter morning. avneet couldn't resist but click some pics of the flowers on the sidewalk covered with morning due.

whereas, siddharth never felt so happy and peaceful before, him her and just happiness around them. the perfect weather, the morning air felt so pure to breath, the flowers on the pavement felt so heavenly, and not to forget his whole world right beside him smiling. he sacrifice anything for that damn smile.

"sit, ill go get the order" he says opening the door for her.
"oki" she smiles and finds a seat near the window.

"awwwww, you remember my fav" she squealed as he handed her cup to her.
"you asked me right what i called you back there right?" he said after fighting with himself in the head 5484564187673 times.

"yeah?" she asked taking the sip of her drink. he takes her drink, and shows her the name he told the employee to write

on his

to be Mrs
on hers

she took time to understand what he meant "oh- wait" her eyes immediately widen, and well her cheeks, red as never before. she snatched her cup from his hand, and quickly started sipping her drink. he loved to see her flustered state.

"hayeee" he says resting his head on his hand and staring at her
"stop it" she looks away, he turns her back and continues staring at her. he knows how loves it when he stares at her that way.
"d-drink f-ast we nee-d to go-o" she stammers
"we have an hour babygirl" she says still staring at her

"stop staring at me" she whines putting her face between her hands.
"okay okay, fine" he laughs and removes her hands.

"oh wait" she says putting her cup on the table, she grabbed his and puts in on the table too
"what?" he asks when she intertwined their hands
"i wanna put a story" she pouts at him.
"right" he rolls his eyes, as she starts taking pics until she gets the perfect one.

"ill put this?" she asks him showing the pic
"yeah" he smiles at her.

before keeping her phone away, she took her air pods, and played her playlist

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before keeping her phone away, she took her air pods, and played her playlist. like always, she gave on airpod to siddharth. "what are you doing?" avneet asks siddharth who was busy doing something in his phone. "nothing some shitass mails" he says as he slid down keeping his head on her shoulder.

"siddharth now many more tattoos will you get? doesn't it pain" she asked tracing her ring finger, he had tattooed a small '13' on his finger on their 2nd monthie.

"siddharth now many more tattoos will you get? doesn't it pain" she asked tracing her ring finger, he had tattooed a small '13' on his finger on their 2nd monthie

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"i like them" he answered honestly, still looking into his phone.

she looks up to see the tattoo he engraved at their 6th monthie, on his collar bone. its not that she hated it, but she always felt so overwhelmed by everything he had down for her. no one ever had treated her they way he did. this was her favorite one, not to forget. he had gotten it on the inner side of his arm, simple but cute.

"lets go? its time now" siddharth said making avneet stop caressing his tattoos

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"lets go? its time now" siddharth said making avneet stop caressing his tattoos.
"okay, lets go walking" she smiles at him.
"if anything happens, im not giving you my jacket" he snorts, remembering what happened in paris, "its nearly 8:10 now, nothing's gonna happen dumbass" she hits his head as they head out. 

"i love you" siddharth rubs his nose against hers, "and i love you " she replies giggling.

〜 the end 📁

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