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as expected, avneet wakes up before siddharth does, siddharth's arm is still around her.
she looks at their position, his arm has gone higher just until, he's about to cradle her breasts. one of his legs is thrown over hers, trapping her from going anywhere.

she slowly tries to move, without making him realize.
but, he stirs and pulls her tighter

well, that was a big mistake, she lands right near his cock, a very much unfortunate position.
she feels his member twitch under her, her eyes widen. out of all the night they slept together she knows, this boy cant sleep with hardness, which means he can get up at any moment now-

"mhmm" he hums, in his morning voice.
it feels like god is testing her, with his morning hardness, and not to forget his sexy, husky morning voice.

her whole body stiffens as the tip of his member, digs deep into her cheeks. she realizes he's wearing only a thin black shorts.

as a habit of waking up, siddharth nuzzles his face in the crook of her neck, inhaling her scent. she slowly turns back to look at him, and sees the small fringes of his hair, are falling over his eyes. he's way to ethereal for her right now. not to forget the morning golden hour giving him a different glow.

her core dampens.
she quickly turns around.
'fuck fuck no please, this cant be happen. this is very very wrong. how tf does this guy make me wet just by sleeping ughhhh ' she curses herself.

but his erection burrowed in her ass wont let her think straight. how much she missed him, every single bit of him in her.

she hadn't had sex in a whole month, she knew even if she had, she's gonna imagine siddharth also no ones ever gonna make her feel like siddharth does. this was unhealthy for her, she was dry over a month. as if sex even passes her mind, as she was busy nursing her broken heart.

"siddharth" she firmly pushes his arm from under her breast.
"hmmmm?" he mumbles
"siddharth" she nudges back at him a bit sternly. well, fuck it gave friction to his erection down there.


"what" he asks, removing his arm. she quickly gets away from him, and turns her face towards him. as he rubs his eyes, "you're hard" she says.

he stops in mid way stretching his arms, and looks down. he scrambles and moves away from her almost falling off the bed, he quickly pulls the comforter over him.

"fuck, im so sorry. i didnt- i just- i dont know, i cant control it. and its you i-, never mind im sorry" he stammers. "yeah fine, just go to the washroom and fix yourself" she says burring her face in the pillow. well that does a little against her fluid down there.

"yeah, sorry" and with that he goes in the washroom. she knows she is his weakness. she hates her for thinking so dirty about him again, she hates herself.

but he's prolly thinking about her ragging his erection. she gets up and fuck, she hears his hitched breathing.

is he doing that? she doesn't wanna think of him pumping himself off in the bathroom.
she totally isn't imagining him, the way he is jerking himself off, his head thrown back, as he helps himself with his hands around his erection.

her hands makes her way down to her core, she heard him grunt "fuck av-" she stops.
'fuck no, he cant be thinking of me ' her eyes might just pop out any moment.

she goes to the balcony, breathes in the natural fresh air, trying to forget whatever happened a moment ago.

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