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a smile spread across herself when she remembered yesterday.

"avneet stop smiling and go bath and get ready" she said to herself as she was trying to get up but she forgot she was sore and she let out a painful moan "ahhhhhh-" she scrunched back to her original place as someone came in from the door

"avneet are you okayy?"a male voice asked in a very concerned and soft voice.
"yea sure. im all fine after what you did to me yesterday" she said sarcastically as she looked up to a worried siddharth standing beside her bed.

"i-um im sorry" he said in a very cute tone with puppy eyes. 'oh- my heart this boy he is so bipolar yest he was a beast and now a puppy, how cute i just lo- wait what no. I DIDN'T SAY, THAT I DIDN'T MEAN ANYTHING' she was talking to herself as her expression changed from a smile to her eyes bulging out.

"are you okay or not, why are you so shocked" he said looking confused. "nothing" she said dryly."pick me up and take me to the bathroom i wanna bath and brush" she said in a stern voice as if she is commanding him. "alright your highness" he said smiling. she felt electric sparks going through her body when he picked her up in a bridal style and guiding her to the bathroom."get ready fast, breakfast is waiting princess" he winked as he closed the door and left her room.

she undressed herself and slowly got up and made her way to the tub. her pain had reduced a bit after the long sleep she had. she found a beautifully decorated bathtub with lavender flowers and soft white foam. she smiled to herself as she got into the tub. when she got fully into the bathtub she noticed that the water was purple and it was a mixture of vanilla and lavender essence mixed in the water. she left a sigh with pleasure as she felt the warm water and the soft and flavored foam against her bare body. 

as she was enjoying the comfort and peace from the vibes of the room she saw a paper kept on the side of the tub. she took it and read

you highness,
this servant of yours had prepared your bathtub with lot of hard hope you liked it, now don't ask me how i got to know what's your favorite scent and favorite flower. its just that im too smart you know so i kknow everything. anyways get ready fast your breakfast it waiting.
yours truly,

she was smiling and blushing as she read the letter and her stomach was in a gym mode today so it was flipping a lot, she felt tickled cuz of her own butterflies in her stomach. 'cute' she smiled to herself

she got ready and went down to see what was her breakfast. she went down to see the dinning table arranged in the most beautiful way with some vanilla scented candles with some roses too. she melted when she all this, no one had ever done this much for her. she squealed with joy when she saw what was kept on the table. it was her favorite Starbucks drink and then some chocolate pancakes with a lot of chocolate chips and chocolate waffles with caramel ice-cream it was all her favorite.

avneet who quickly sat down without noticing siddharth who was standing there smiling to himself as he saw her squealing with joy.

"ahm ahm" siddharth fake coughed to which avneet flinched. she looked up seeing him wearing plain black shorts and black shirt "dont you wear anything other than black?" she asked him pointing at his clothes. "i like black" he said.

she took a bite and loved it "this is fucking amazing, i didn't know you could cook too" she exclaimed in a muffled voice as her mouth was filled with food.

'the pout she makes while chewing it so cute, i just love her so much' siddharth was whipped cream. "did you like it?" his eyes were gleaming showing his feeling for her. "i-its.....y-umm-y" she said chewing her food. he smiled in response and he was just admiring her face the whole time she was eating.

"dont you wanna thank me?" he asked, "for what?". "i did so many stuff for you" he said. "you hurt me then you give me stuff, hisab barabar" she said in a sassy tone. "whatever" he scoffed in defeat.

"im going in the hot tub to relax my self. you wanna join?" he asked avneet
"where is the hot tub?!" she said as she sprang up from the bed and clapped her hands excitedly. "yep there's one two blocks ahead this street" he said smiling at how she cute her reaction was. "im innnnnn" she said running upstairs to grab her swimsuit. 

"im sorry" he said as he held his ears with both hands and pouts. "i really didn't mean to go so hard on you, i mean i did bt i didn't wanna hurt you. sorry" he said in a babyish tone which melted avneet so so so bad. she went near him cupped his face with her left hand, shivers went up his spine when her cold rings came in contact with his cheek. "you know, you should really stop being so cute." she said in a very low voice.

she left him and went inside the hot tub and gave him a smile. he went in to but sat on the opp edge to her. "im putting a story can you please like come here so i can take a pic" she practically ordered him. "that please didn't sound like a request at all" he said moving towards her. she placed the camera and put it on timer and took a pic then she made a story "what is ur insta id?" she asked. "why do u want it?" "just asking" "@ thesiddharthnigam" "okay".

she put her phone away after she finished putting the story. "i know you love this so...." he said coming close to her. she thought he was about to kiss her but "OHMYGOOOOOOOOOOOOD" she exclaimed. he felt something flutter in him as he saw her smiling and being happy, his heart wanted to see her smiling like that forever. it was her favorite cheesecake!!

she took the plate from his hand and took a bite "mhhhmmmm t-thi-s isss so-o de-li-cious" she said muffled mouthed. she quickly finished it and said "you brought it for meee?" she looked at him with the most hopeful and innocent eyes. he melted hearing her tone. "no for the dog" he said as he went back to his place, opp to avneet. "ugh ihy." she said in her baby voice pouting.
"i brought it for you ofc" he said nervously as he scratched the back of his neck.

she awed and melted internally and swam very close to him. as a reflex he pulled her on his lap.
"didn't i say you to stop being so cute" she said cupping his cheek with left hand. he felt sparks every time she touched him bt as always he ignored it. "you know why i told you to stop being so cute?" she asked him while she moved her hand to his neck. "hmm?" he replied softly as his hands tightened around her waist. "stop being so cute because i might fall for you" she confessed.

he felt blood rush up to his skin and before he could say anything he felt a pair of soft lips on his. without wasting a second he kissed her back. this was a very sweet and a passionate kiss, it wasn't filled with lust at all. it was filled with love but they both were to stupid to understand it. the kiss was very different from the night they had last night, last night it was only their bodies kissing but now it felt like their souls were kissing. both of them didn't want to let go but due the lack of air she pulled out.

"thank you for today" she said as she got up and left.
he smiled at himself when he caught her blushing when she left.

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