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"reem, i wanna tell you something" avneet mumbled. sitting in the collage cafeteria avneet decided to confess to her new best friend. 
"hmmmmm?" reem replied.
"i kinda like siddharth" avneet confessed.
"what?" reem smirked
"i love him" she corrected herself.
"i knew it" she smiled.
"you're not angry?" avneet asked,
"why would i be angry?"
"cuz i didnt tell you before.." avneet's voice trailed off

"itsokay, avneet. i know you needed time, you didn't need to tell me, i could see it in your eyes anyways" reem chuckled. "am i that obvious?" avneet asked embarrassed. "maybe" reem smiled.

"i- um also one more thing" avneet stammers.
"go on"
" we kissed" avneet said in the softest voice possible.
"what?" reem chocked on her pasta.
"we even had.." avneet didnt need to complete the sentence, reem eyes would pop out any second. reem already understood what she meant.
"27 times" avneet said shutting her eyes close, because she knew she's gone.

"wow" reem manages to say.
"sorry" avneet tried to calm reem down.
"so you guys were fwb, and now you love him" she asked.
"yep" avneet replied
"whatever" reem waved her off.
"im sorry na reemieeee" avneet went to hug reem
"go away" reem pushed her away.
"please im sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry" avneet gave her puppy eyes.
"fine, but confess to him asap" reem replied.
"what do you mean why? you guys fucked each other fucking 27 times, what if he only wants you cuz of sex not cuz who you are? its better you tell him asap" reem was angry now.

"okay calm down avneet, its just a date" avneet says as she gets ready for her upcoming date. "am i getting ready too much?" avneet sighs, looking at her outfit in the mirror. "who tf am i even trying to impress" she whines. "i feel like a teenage girl, getting ready for her first date" avneet checks her a last time before she gets out of her room.

she goes out of her room, to search siddharth. "um" avneet opens the door to see him busy playing his ps4. "wha- where are you going? you look beautiful" siddharth smiles at her 'okay avneet its fine, just tell him you're going on a date, if he loves you he'll stop you, if not then you go on a date and better move on' avneet takes a huge breath and lets it out.

"im going on a date" she blusters out. his game-pad slips from his hands, he looks at her. his face turning into a big frown. "what?" his face goes red, he gives a ' i just kissed you this morning and you said you loved the way i kissed you' glare to her.

"i-im go-ing on a da-te" avneet stammers. 'avneet stop stammering fuck' she reminds herself.
"why-y, i mean with whom?" he corrects himself. "ethan" she replies.
"that guy from technical?" he tries to control himself from breaking his own ps4, "um yea" she replies.

there was a awkward silence while avneet silently begs siddharth to stop her. "so.." avneet starts
"what?" he snaps, anger is clearly visible on his face. "are you not happy? you dont want me to go?" she asks herself being impatient.

"why do you care about my opinion, just go" he scoffs. "are you sure, ill stay if you say n-" avneet starts off but siddharth cuts her " i said i. donT .CARE" his voice raises with every word. "im going on a date after a long time, why ar-" avneet tries to force him but he cuts her off "congra-fucking-tulations, a guy finally asked you, so you better stop being the slut you are" he says letting all his anger out.

everything stops. her heart breaks into pieces, his voice, words still ringing in her hears.
she stumbles on the door, trying to balance herself. only he had the power to deeply hurt her with only a few words, cuz he is only the person who she loves and cares deeply about.
or loved.

his eyes turned guilty as soon as he realized what he said. he goes tries to go near her, she raises her hand to stop him. "fuck you, bye" avneet spat at him.

"wait- sorry, i didnt meant it like that" he tries to stop her but she leaves from there trying to control her tears. she runs out of the house, taking the extra keys just in case. 'you messed up avneet' her subconscious mind says to her as she bursts into tears.

on the other hand siddharth goes to the gym, and starts hitting his boxing bag, till his knuckles start bleeding, physical pain was nothing compared to the pain which was breaking his heart into pieces. "i *punches* loved *punches* her" he cried. he couldn't see anymore cuz of his tears, he slams himself on the wall, sliding down. "fuck girls, they all suck, why did i even fall for her" he winced when his tears came in contact with this blood. "how can she even think of going on a date with someone else, when im there" he gets up, going to his room. "she even had the guts to ask me if im happy for her" he smashes her door before entering his room.

"cant she see the way i look at her? every single person notices that, expect her" he goes towards his bed. "was it all just really friends with benefits?" he breaks down more. "i really thought she-" his own sobs suffocated him. words failed to come out.

"thats it siddharth" he wipes his tears after crying silently for a while. "love only causes pain, fucking only pain" he snaps at himself in the mirror. "back to the old siddharth now, i dont care about anyone anymore" he says changing his clothes. "welcome back loser" he grits as he looks at himself in the mirror and leaves the house.

'congra-fucking-tulations, a guy finally asked you, so you better stop being the slut you are' his own words start ringing in his ears, "she hates me now" he sighs as he starts his car and drives off.

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