twenty one*

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there's definitely tension between avneet and her boyfriend, like the storm going on outside in the small space in between their bodies as they sit together.

siddharth's hand slowly slips from hers and slides across the back of their bed, as they continued to watch the movie on her phone, he was least interested in that. his fingers trace gently against the skin of her shoulder. his lips curl into one of his seductive smirks, "avneet" he brushes his lips on her earlobe.

in the next second, siddharth's hands grasp her shoulders, pulling her toward him as his mouth gently, passionately devours hers. one of his hand cups the back of her neck.

she follows his lead, heart swells up in her, a gentle moan leaving her mouth. siddharth opens her lips with his tongue, holding her jaw.

his mouth was smoothly exploring her mouth. caressing and playfully dominating her, burring the thought of stopping.

he bits her earlobe and tugs, before dropping down to suck the skin below it. a warm bubbly feelings rolls in her, its too much for her.

well, they had more intense stuff than this, but it was different now. they had confessed their love, and were finally dating.

she moves her arms around his neck, bringing her torso into contact with his, "good girl" he purrs. moving at his directions, she follows the guidance of siddharth's hands on her waist. she falls on the bed, with a small thud.

her lips move at the smooth skin on his throat, trapping a vein between her teeth. she continues her trail to his collar bones. he realizes that she's marking him. his head falls back and gives himself up as her canvas. she understands the appeal of hickeys now.

its an agreement, a promise, and an exchange of trust. they had never given a hickey to each other before, they even had a rule, never to give a hickey. but now that their completely each others, it doesn't matter anymore.

her lips moved back to her, after leaving a trail of hickeys. his fingers left her face and went to her thighs parting them gently. seconds later her clothes were discarded on the floor as he hovered over her with his lips slowly going to her burning core.

he sucks one nipple into his mouth, pulling it between his teeth, her back arched thrusting them into his mouth. cupping the other as he pushed them together sucking her nipples into his mouth. she let a moan, "sidd-ah"

"be quiet babygirl, you dont wanna wake up the lady do you?" he smirks. his mouth continuing his journey, she felt his tongue swirl on her navel. he continued assaulting her navel and the area around it, he proudly smiled to himself as he saw the hickeys he had given her.

she felt his teeth on her thigh, he bit gently "you smell nice" he said. He raised her legs over
his shoulder. she couldn't say anything, siddharth had a way of making her speechless, she cant really articulate very good sentences at this stage.

the next thing she felt was his breath on her clit, he was teasing her "you are so wet, I like it" he said after kissing her pussy like it was a mouth. she wasnt able to see what he was doing is making it more unbearable because all she can do is feel what he is doing.

His tongue reached out and flicked her clit, she jerked towards his mouth or face rather, she was thrusting her pussy into his whole face, probably smearing her juice on his whole face. He didn't complain

she felt his fingers part her clit, his tongue dug into her and she almost came. she pressed further into his face as his tongue dug deeper into her clit. "si.." she lost all thoughts as he sucked her clit into his mouth.

she felt a finger go into her, he added another and another "siddhar.." I screamed out as the mouth around her clit and the fingers going into her began to move at ridiculous rate. It was like he was having a battle with her pussy, as she was about to cum. he stopped.

"what the fuck" she breathes heavily. "siddharth please i need you to fuck me" avneet begs.

siddharth slowly pulls apart and stares deep into her eyes. avneet's soul was almost sucked out, with the intensity he was looking at her.

"no" his reply startles you. she opens her eyes to look at him, "no?" she asks being confused.

he gently holds her hands, cups them and gently rubs his thumb over her knuckles. "i wanna make love to you" he plants a constellation of wet kisses all over her. "hows that baby?" he asks her smiling.

"what have i even done to deserve you, i love you so much siddharth" a teary avneet said.

he kisses her again, so softly that his rose are no less than flower petals, "you deserve the best okay? since in the best you deserve me" he chuckles. "oh lord" avneet giggles too.

"i love you" avneet says before pulling him back onto her own lips, "i love you more" siddharth said as the break the kiss.

it feels so different, so entirely different from the nights they have had before. there is no ounce of concern, of doubt of hesitancy, most importantly no lust. its only and only love this time.

she feels safe, and secure underneath him. his tender moans unraveling into songs of vulnerability, as he slowly, gently entered her

his thrust, though lacking its usual roughness, does not lack in anything else. every time he plummets into her, his mouth finds hers. their hands are interlocked, pinned down onto the pillow. the intimacy of the lovemaking was overflowing in them. they could swear, they saw the heaven right then and there.

they feel nothing but love and devotion throughout. he makes love to her over and over again this night, the valentines night.

the sensations between her legs, in her chest in her mind are unrivaled.

when its all over, when their nothing more than sweaty skin, damp hair and hearts full of love for each other. they spend the night taking in each other's details.

he gently rubs the beauty spot under her lips, "i wont hurt you again i promise" he says. "me too" she repeats after him. he pulls her closer, and hugs her tight. avneet wipes the tear which left her eyes. she had never been used to all this love, she was overwhelmed. she hugged him back and drifted off to her sleep. 

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