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"hey go go" jai said pushing them towards that man's door as they stood in their garden. siddharth slowly climbed down the fence and helped avneet come down after him. "so what now" avneet said nervously rubbing her hands. "listen, you start fake moaning and siddharth start fake fucking her okay?" jai snickered as he left them two alone. sigh the things they do for a dare. and their dare is to disgust the old man by the way, in case you guys forget!

siddharth held avneet's hand as they went near the oldies house front door, they stopped near a wall beside it."okay now no one can see us here, but they definitely can hear us" sid said smirking as he pinned avneet to the wall. "y-yea-aa" avneet stammered not knowing why. 

"you gotta 'fake' moan understand?" sid said sarcastically as he cupped her clothed pussy. "ss-sid they might see us" she said pushing him bt he was way to strong for her "oh really? wasn't someone being to brave back in the kitchen?" he said in his low-husky voice which sent chills down avneet's spine "dont you dare cum, keep moaning, we need to complete our dare" he said as he started moving his hands up and down her clothed pussy "but-" avneet was cut by a soft pair of lips on her neck. "ahh~ sid" she left out a small moan. "its daddy for you" he said as his hands made their way inside her pants. avneet smiled to herself, one more reason she liked him for, his hot lil daddy kink.

"im all yours daddy~" she whispered huskily into his ears and started kissing his neck, trying to reach his soft spot. his hand wrapped around her neck, choking her as he pressed her back to the wall, just the she liked it "aah.." she choked out "such a fucking slut you are" he shouted into her ear. she just gave him a very kinky smirk of hers.

he jammed three fingers in her cunt and she yelled, that was very unexpected. the oldie must've surely heard it. he was all ready to fuck avneet. his fingers were ramming into her fast, so fast that she didn't even have time to breath. she was just moaning his name.

he pushed her top up, pushing her bra along with it, he cupped her breast, pinching her nipples, she moaned heavily, and she knew she was about to cum but she couldn't, she saw the lights house flick on.

"sidd, he's coming stop..." she managed to say as her legs were shaking, and it was difficult to keep standing. he stopped as soon as he heard the main door of the house open, he quickly brought her shrit down, zipped her pants and planted a sweet kiss on her forehead "im proud of you" he said as he took her hand started leaving. while she went all wobbly cuz of his forehead kiss and the heavy torture sid had done on her, she felt weak.

"WHO ARE YOU BOTH, DONT YOU HAVE ANY SHAME" siddharth stopped as he heard some old man screaming. from a long distance he heard abhi say "bhaag sid bhaag, he has two dogs, they'll run after you" oh my god dogs? avneet thought as she took siddharth's hand and started running, she forgot her giddiness and ran as fast as she could.

"god i hate you for this" avneet spat at siddharth, "what did i do? , it was abhi who told us to do this dare" he said defending himself. "ugh and now we are stuck god knows where" avi said kicking a random dustbin in the alley. "god stop making the noise will you, the dogs might hear us" sid said pulling avneet towards him. "yeah sure, i swear its the worst day of my life. abhi gave a dare to you and you asshole completed the dare with me, and now what? we are getting chased by that oldies dogs" avneet said kicking one more dustbin.

"bark", avneet's eye widened hearing the dog. sid quickly pulled avneet and started running somewhere in random directions. "if i die i swear ill haunt you for the rest of my life" avneet screamt at sid as they were running. "its not my fault" he screamt back. "it was-" avneet was abt to say something when sid interrupted her. "hey look, there's a tunnel. come fast lets go there" sid said running towards the tunnel hand in hand with avneet.

"are you sure, this is safe?" avneet asked as they were walking through the tunnel. "yeah, atleast the dogs stopped chasing us" sid said being relieved. "its all your fault, it was your idea to prank abhi and vaishu, now look they made us run around the whole town for like fucking two hours, my legs hurtt" avneet whined. "oh really? who's idea was it to keep whipping cream on abhi's chair?" sid asked her. "no-not min-ee" she shuddered. "you cant lie to my babygirl" he said huskily. "fine we both pranked them, bt they cant take us a revenge on us like this" she said as she shivered.

"are you cold?" sid asked as he noticed her shivering. there was hardly light in the tunnel, bt some sort of low brightness was there, he could clearly her beautiful features in the faint light. brown eyes, gleaming in the darkness. her beautiful pink plump lips moved as she went on whining. her cream, white flawless face was an extra feature of her's to admire.she's breathtakingly beautiful.

"MR.NIGAM!" avneet screamt which brought sid out of his trance. "oh yeah what? sorry i was paying attention" "yeah i know that" she said angrily as she scrunched her nose and stomped her foot and went away from him. cute, he said to himself. "im sorry, i was thinking of a way to get out of this tunnel" he said as he went near her as they continued walking through the endless tunnel. "hmm okay, im hungry sid and tired" she said softly. he saw the tiredness in her eyes. those beautiful eyes ah~ his subconscious mind spoke again
i know right, he replied.

"lost again mr.nigam?" avneet said annoyingly. "sorrry" he said giving her puppy eyes at which she melted immediately. "wait a min" he said kneeling down infront of her. "get on my back, you can sleep till we get out, you're tired" sid said casually. "are you sure?" she became hesitant as she was abt to climb on his back. "you know you are light asf, its nothing for me, c'mon hop up ill wake you up once we reach home" he said giving her his trillion dollar smile. she smiled as he continued walking giving her a piggy-back ride. she just felt to comfortable in near him, and she dozed off like that. she trusted this man, she felt safe around him. most importantly she felt happy around him.

his breath hitched and there were a millions of butterflies in his stomach as he felt her soft breathing and heard her small, cute snores. the tunnel was unbelievably very silent.
i cant actually be falling for her, right? he asked hopping his subconscious mind would reply.
what does your heart say siddharth? his subconscious mind answered.
its confusing, he replied being honest.
answer my questions honestly then..., spoke his subconscious mind again
okayy.. he replied.

do you keep staring at her? err, um yes.
you wake up and go to bed with thoughts of her? maybe...
you feel addicted to her? i feel weird, if she isn't around so yeah ig...
you think about her too often? all the time..
you always want to see her happy? i can die for her smile
she makes you feel stress free? her laugh makes me feel the happiest person ever
you feel jealous, when she goes around with someone? its been, a year she doesn't really go around with anyone else...
you prioritize her over other activities? yeah, when she's on her periods i always im with her, leaving my sleep
you start liking the stuff she likes? kindaa
time flies when you are with her? obviuosly
you love her quirks?the way she scrunched her nose is so damn cute-
you crave physical closeness? all the time
being with her feels happy? yep

"so what more do you want huh? you love her dumbass" saying that his subconscious mind left.
do i actually love her?

and that night he finally accepted his feelings

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