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the walk back the room from the restaurant was quite, he tries talking to her. but she gives him a silent treatment. she knew she was falling for him, staying away from him is the only thing she could think of doing at the moment.

"why cant you just wear your gloves" siddharth hisses at avneet. she just gives him a 'what' look. "your hands are shivering" he says looking down at her hands. "gloves make my hands look fat, plus its fashion" she finally talks. "fuck fashion, look at your hands goddammit they'll turn numb any moment" he whisper-yelled. avneet looks down her hand, well they were pale, and a bit blue-ish. she bits her lips as she starts rubbing her hands.

siddharth grabs her hand and starts rubbing it faster than she was doing, and slips his gloves on her hand.

avneet's stomach was numb, she never felt this before. the overwhelming feeling of loveWhen you feel like you're in love, you can't get enough of it, and he exactly makes me feel like that. It's true that love can make you feel like you are flying on a cloud, or that everything in life is as it should be. It feels heavenly whenever you gaze into his eyes, drowning deep into them. all i want is to wake up next to his hazel eyes, avneet followed the flow of her heart, after all everything felt too perfect, like never before.

"what happened?" he asked her as he saw her smile. she looked up at him with her beautiful brown eyes, he smiled at her in awkward confusion. without her knowing a tear slipped out of her eye, she loved this man so much, with her whole heart.

"wh-wha-what? happened?" siddharth stammered. he quickly removes his gloves with his teeth, not letting her hand go. he held the glove in his other hand as he wiped her tear. " are you okay?" he asks her with so much of sincerity, that she goes weak in her legs.

"yeah im fine, im just really happy right now" she sheepishly smiles at him, not knowing that even she has a huge effect on him. they just share a cute eye-lock which gets disturbed by small drops of water.

"OH MY LORD! ITS RAININGGG" avneet jumps around like a kid, its mid feb, the rain was expected. siddharth cant stop but smiling at her. little did she know that her twirling around in the rain, with her cutest smile sent a whole zoo in his stomach.

"avneet! stop, lets hurry back to hotel" sid shouts, its raining heavily now. "please sid, its really fun" avneet tries showing her puppy eyes, but ends up vigorously blinking cuz of the water on her eyelashes.

"you'll get sick, please" he pleaded.
"me me me me me" she laughed.
"avneet-!" he says between the rain. he was cut by soft pair of lips, smoothly gliding over his. it didn't take long for him to kiss back, moving his lips slowly against her, his fingers tightened around hers, his free hand carefully moved her hair back, as he placed it behind her ear. his hand wraps around her waist, pulling her up a little because he knew she was tiptoeing.

if it wasn't for sid's arm snaked against her waist, she would've legit fallen down, her weak heart couldn't take all this. she was finally kissing the man she adored, whom she loved the most. now all i have to do is confess my feelings, or do i let him do it? she thought to herself as he enters her mouth, tasting every bit of her.

his warm hands intertwined her cold hands, surely made her heartbeat so fast and loud that, he could hear it. he kept on kissing her and savoring her mixed berry flavored lips, until no oxygen was left in him.

they pulled away, joined their foreheads as they panted.
their breathes mingled.
rainwater flowed down their lips.
it was all too unreal for them.

"sorry i didn't have another way to shut you up" she bites her lip. "stop doing that or else ill" he didn't finish the sentence as he saw her eyes widen. he let out a heartfelt chuckle. she meekly smiles at him. "so? can we go now?" siddharth asked intertwining their hands again.

she grins and nods.

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